The only thing I can say that others haven't really concentrated on in their posts is to read and research FOR YOURSELF as much as you can about the side effects of an epidural. WebMD has a section on it (http://www.webmd.com/hw/being_pregnant/tn9762-medinfo.asp.... I personally wouldn't want to run the risk of having a spinal headache (the epidural catheter can make spinal fluid leak, draining the fluid around the brain, basically making it too uncomfortable to sit upright for days), or it only numbing half of the body, which is also possible. Also, it ups your chances for preeclampsia (elevated blood pressure, which will automatically make you have a c-section in most hospitals). But then again, you very well may not have any side effects at all. Ask yourself if intense but COMPELTELY temporary pain is worth the risk of drugs to YOU. Only YOU as the laboring woman can answer that.
Yes, childbirth is painful, think of all the stuff that's going on- muscles and ligaments are moving your baby out, bones are separating... it's one big rubber band ball down there... but, the beauty of this pain is- IT SUBSIDES! It may seem like the worst thing in the world (all depends on your pain threshold- I tolerate pain quite well, so childbirth for me- with no drugs at all, except a local for the stictches for a small tear in my perineum) but it will end when you hold your little miracle. I PROMISE you that.
I'm due this Saturday with our second, and I'm going completely au naturale (with a midwife and Birth Center instead of a hosptial and OB this time) because I have the confidence that I did it once with nothing, so I can do it again... True, you don't get a medal for doing this without drugs (which I think is bogus), but I'll have the personal satisfaction that I trusted my body to do what it was designed to do.
Please email me if you have any questions!