use your computer and make a bingo card with cute halloween clip art-- if you bought enough stickers you could use those instead. depending on what their spelling list is for the week you might be able to incorporate some of those.
buy a black plastic cauldron and have the kids toss beany baby frogs and lizards etc into it from a distance.
decorate bowling pins like ghosts and play bowling
Ring toss on the witchs hat
make a big spinner and number with either 0-3 or with simple math equations 2+1 etc and provide plastic spider rings On each kids turn they have to put that amount of spider rings on (one on each finger) who ever gets to 10 first and as a spider ring on each finger and thumb, would win, --keep the numbers low
YOu could decorate a brown paoer lunch bag to look like a haunted house with glue and foam stickers. and construction paper doors/windows.
buy half masks and let them decorate with glitter and feathers etc.
the could just decorate a bag to collect treats in. either just a paper grocery bag, or a plain gift bag, or used fabric markers and pillow cases
make the standard lollipop ghosts
HAve Fun