I've had an hysterectomy in part because of fibroids. It was done with an abdominal incision several inches in length. Complete does not indicate how it was done. Actually all hysterectomies are complete. Smile I also had endometriosis which required that they move my other organs around to remove the endometrium.
I suggest having large fibroids is not unusual. Your doctor can remove your uterus just as well as if it was smaller. The procedure is the same. I suggest you discuss your concerns with the doctor.
I would have the surgery locally. The surgery is not complicated and does not need expert experts.
there really is no way of knowing how long your recovery will be. I was told to not drive or lift anything over a specific weight for a couple of weeks. I could return to work in 4-6 weeks. I took all 6 weeks and a couple more because I lacked energy. I continued to do light housekeeping and went for hour walks nearly every day.
I suggest it won't take you that long. I had been in pain for years. I'd had two other abdominal surgeries in the previous 10 years. I had some difficulty at work. I was worn out before surgery.