M., check the weight of any meds you want to give him, not just the age. My 5 month old is 19 lbs 7 oz, so she can take more ibuprophen than what some of the ranges suggest. 102 degree fever really is not too bad for his age, and frequently I will let my kids run a fever unless I see that they are in pain or seriously uncomfortable. A fever is the bodies way of killing a virus, so unless it continues to go up, or he is obvioulsy miserable. maybe letting him run a fever during the day would help. Now, at night, when we all need to sleep, I give them all of the fever meds I can!! Also, you can rotate Tylenol and Motrin every 3 hours. So, if you give motrin at 7am, then he can have tylenol at 10am, and then motrin again at 1pm. That keeps you within each medicines time frame of 6-8 hours for motrin, and 4-6 hours for tylenol. The most imprtant thing when he has a fever like that is to give him as many fluids as he will take. Especially clear fluids, water, juice, gatorade, whatever he will drink. A fever will dehydrate a child quicker than no fever, so keep him happy and hydrated. Good luck, I am sure that this wil be a long few days! ~A.~