For some reason I've heard negative reviews of women OB's including in Provo, that they are more cold and rigid than men. I would personally recommend the Mt Timpanogos Women's Health Clinic, and the midwives there. They also have doctors, but I can't review them from personal experience. They have a female dr there, and the staff like her a lot. I'm not sure of my friend's OB but she also had a nightmarish exp w/ a female OB in Provo, which makes me nervous for you. Basically what she learned from that is if you feel uncomfortable before the birth don't hesitate to change your caregiver asap.
The midwives deliver at Mt. Timp, and American Fork. I've delivered at both hospitals, and I had a great experience and recommend AF more, and neither were too far to drive from Provo (in intense labor, only 2 contractions :) They can tell you if they can assist you based on your needs being diabetic.
I don't mean to be negative on your request for a woman, I'm sure there are good ones out there. I live in Springville and I know there's one here on 400 S and about 400 East. She also has a midwife in her practice. You can call and do free consults with whichever practitioners you are checking out.
I would recommend a doula so you have a supportive woman there with you helping you through the experience. I think hiring a doula is the most important tangible thing you can do to prepare for childbirth. Also that can smooth rough edges of having a male OB or a female that isn't quite as motherly and nice.
For example, my dr wouldn't let me in water during my first labor, but i later learned a doula convinced that same dr to let her client in the water during labor, so basically i needed an advocate. My second labor was even better and wonderful w/ one so I'm not going back!
good luck I hope you have a great experience this time! I recommend the book, "Birthing from Within" to help you heal from your last birth and have positive feelings for your next.