Feelings on Halloween Candy

Updated on November 04, 2008
A.H. asks from Dearborn Heights, MI
39 answers

Any of you Mama's upset about halloween candy? I'm so disguested with food contamination I'm about ready to move to an Amish life style, and make all our own food! My daughter had 2 small pieces of candy hours apart(not the chocolate coins either). And broke out in hives, her face got swollen, got hives spotted over her knee, hands, behind her ears were really bad. And then she itched all night and couldn't sleep well. When she got me up at 3 am in such discomfort her legs were covered in hives,and her whole neck was started to erupt in them as well. I rubbed her down in olive oil, and gave her an antihistamine. She's better this morning. 2 little candies should not do this to a child! (Hershey's 1 reese's peanut butter cup, and a tiny box w/4 little milk duds. We'll my family is now boycotting that company)

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So What Happened?

Thanks for all your responses, even the angry ones. I wasn't inferring the reaction was from melamine, I know what happens with that, lots of my family lost there pets over contaminated pet food. Perhaps my post wasn't as clear as I intended. It probably is the "zillions of chemical colors and preservatives" she's not exposed to. To answer some of the questions; She eats peanut butter, and dark chocolate a few times a week with out reaction. But were going to get our blood work done today. I use my make up on her sparingly she didn't react to it the last time, the costume was a flower girls dress I washed in ph balanced biodegradable soap (sorry to hear other kids reacted to there costumes it's no fun!), I'll run to the store to read the ingredient list and see if there is something she could be sensitive to in them - the little little packages don't have a list. I did treat the situation even thought I didn't rush to the hospital. And she slept next to me so I could listen to her breathing and keep a close eye on her all night. Thank you however for the reminder of how frail life is, I of course would be devastated if she died - wouldn't we all. Sorry if I challenged your belief systems with my post, that wasn't my goal. Thanks to those who actually answered my question, and who expressed concern. What ever it is is still working it's way out of her system, but it's much better.
I just can't take a trick or treating experience away from her, next year I'll just pass what she collects back out. And buy her stuff I think is better. Thanks.

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answers from Lansing on

Has she had a lot of candy or those types of candy before?
The contamination would not cause that reaction....it is malamine ( which they put in drywall) in the candy, it wouldn't cause an allergic type reaction. it is what they found in the dog food last year that killed a lot of dogs. Things that are manufactored in China. Did you go anywhere that you didn't know the people well?

We don't really eat too much candy here so I can't speak to that. I too am nervous about the whole food contamination but more so about the toy lead contamination. It is darn near impossible to buy a toy that is not from China at some point in its life. i worry about garage sale toys now and the toys at VOA and Good will.
We watch where things are made and scrub things down but that is no guarentee. the problem is the inspections going on in China not the FDA, IMO

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answers from Grand Rapids on

Quite possible she has developed an allergy that has nothing to do with how these candies are made but their ingredients. I would take her in to the family doctor and see if they can pinpoint what caused the reaction. I have a girl in my troop that is allergic to chocolate so it's possible.

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answers from Detroit on

I have to agree with the other moms on here that it may be an allergy to either something in the candy or something in the material from the costume. My cousin's allergy to nuts did not show up until he was an adolescent so even if she has ingested the same things before it still may be a new food allergy developing. Talk to her pediatrician about it.

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answers from Detroit on

Hi A.. I'm curious, did your daughter wear a costume for halloween? If so, had it been washed and was there make up or anything that went with the costume? I'm wondering that because maybe something else could have caused the reaction? I would be hesitant to blame the candy unless she had never had it before, since so many of the ingredients are used in other foods she has probably ingested prior to this. If it continues to happen, I would have her food allergy tested. All 3 of my boys had it done, it's not a big deal, especially at her age. Good Luck!

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answers from Detroit on

Sorry to hear that she was uncomfortable after eating the candies. It sounds like a food allergy. Peanuts is a common allergen but there are other things that could have triggered her hives. A food allergy can occur instantly even when in the past she has comsumed it with no problems or no reaction. Please have her tested since she had such a sever reaction over 2 pieces of candies. Please don't be discouraged over the possibility of food contamination (which is not in this case otherwise if you, your husband and neighbors ate the same candies, you would all have the same symptoms) but yeah for you for wanting and being willing to go all natural and make your own foods.

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answers from Detroit on

it may not even be peanuts or chocolate she is allergic to, it could be soy or any of the zillions of artificial colors or preservativess they put in that junk, but it may be worth getting that checked for future issues.

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answers from Lansing on

Maybe your daughter has an unknown/hidden allergy. I see that you are into natural foods. How often does she get something like this? My son is allergic to dairy, wheat and eggs and has been without them for several months now. I can tell almost immediately when he has had something he wasn't supposed to, because of his reaction.

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answers from Detroit on

This does not sound like food contamination! Your daughter may have developed a nut allergy and you should get her to a doctor immediately. Nut allergies are extremely serious.

When all the Chinese melamine contamination started I actually called the Hershey company (as well as M & M/Mars and Lindt) to find out if they sourced any part of their products to China and they do not. Hershey's candy is safe to eat.

I strongly urge you to get your daughter to an allergist for allergy testing a.s.a.p.!

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answers from Grand Rapids on

A. -

Has your daughter had this kind of candy before? This sounds more like a food allergy, not a contamination issue. The contamination issues that they have been talking about cause the kidneys (I believe it was the kidneys) to shut down, not an allergic reaction.

Have you had her tested for food allergies?


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answers from Detroit on

The chemicals ina body change so much it is a possibility your child had a reaction to either chocolate or Peanut butter. Peanut oil is a number one allergy in kids. I would give a little of peanut butter and see if it happens again. If not after two days give some straight chocolate and see if that is it. Its weird or may be its the carmel in the milk duds. Talk to your pediatrician and figure it out. I am sorry about the reaction. Best of luck!

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answers from Detroit on

Hi A.,

You may want to have her checked to see if she is allergic to peanuts or chocolate. I have severe food allergies and they started out mild and every time I would it the items my reaction got worse and I now carry an Epi pen with me at all times. Just something else to consider and watch for. Good Luck

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answers from Lansing on

I am thinking of how many times I have dreamed of living in the country, raising my own crops and living off the land and our own animals for subsistence. I hear you, and understand.

I am disenchanted with all the processed foods that even though we know are not good for us and can cause health problems, we still consume. Let's face it, it is easier to let your kids have a couple pieces of candy than say no, sorry, you can't eat any of this delicious stuff you just collected over the last 3 hours. :)

What I have done is started with baby steps. We try to eat organic and locally grown produce as much as possible (and knowing what is important to get organic is the key)to avoid the pesticides, drinking organic milk, etc. is one thing we have done. Of course, there is a cost involved in this, but we find it worthwhile to know we are eating safer. I use all natural turbanado sugar that I order from Amazon.com because it is cheaper in bulk with free shipping. I use unbleached flour.

I don't deny my daughter commercialized candy within reason. I think that will make it too tempting to hoard and over consume when she gets older. I had friends as a child who were not able to eat sweets in their own home, and when they'd come over to our house it was like they'd o.d. on them. To me it was no big deal so I didn't overdo it.

I'd probably change my tune if my daughter had a rash like yours did, though! Fact is, you never know what reaction can come from foods. Some people are one day not allergic to peanuts, and the next time they have some, their throats close up!

I've also changed our home environment to one that is not full of caustic products, which has made a huge difference in our health. This I have been able to do while saving money, so it makes up for the changes in foods that we buy.

Anyway, don't go to the Amish lifestyle...LOL...just take some baby steps to change what you can change!


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answers from Lansing on

What you are describing is NOT the result of food contamination..... The melamine contamination causes organ failure). You are describing an allergic reaction. She could be allergic to peanuts, or to chocolate. Or another ingredient. The fact that she may have eaten these foods in the past doesn't mean that she didn't develop and allergy. See your Doctor and do not give her chocolate or peanuts until she is allergy tested..... another reaction could put her in the hospital or worse. Lots of children have food allergies..... some schools even ban peanuts and peanut butter because serious peanut allergies are so common. Good luck, L.

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answers from Grand Rapids on

Sorry your daughter had an uncomfortable night.

Before condemning all Halloween candy or boycotting a company (do you realize how many products are made by that company?!), you might want to look at what is more likely going on. Talk to your pediatrician and have your daughter tested for a food allergy. They will start with a simple blood test and screen for all of the most common childhood allergies. Do mention specifically peanuts, peanut butter and chocolate, but there are so many other ingredients in small amounts that could be your culprit. The initial screening will hopefully help to narrow it down. One of the other posts also mentioned make-up or her costume. Also very important things to keep in mind. Detergents, fabric softners, make-up, lotions, a plant she may have come in contact with or fertilizer on one of the lawns you crossed, etc., etc. - any of these things could cause a rash, hives or allergic reaction.
Take a deep breath and look for simple solutions first. Try not to get yourself too worked up on conspiracy theories, just focus on your daughter and relax and enjoy.

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answers from Detroit on

My son did this a few years ago and for about 3 months he would randomly break out in hives.

We started trying to figure out what he ate, what combinations and what was going on. I have a friend who is allergic to "aluminized cocoa" it is in just about everything. I personally am allergic to scents and soaps....beleive me its a real pain, ever try to wash your hands and break out from the soap...happens every time. Fabric softners and laundry detergent are another one. Wrong soap can be fine for a month or three then all the sudden, I start clawing my skin off...not fun. The worst I was out of state visiting a boyfriend and didn't realize what kind of soap they had...I was out of the shower rapped in a towel burning and having his brother putting ice on me to cool the fire before I could even wash it off....what do you use to wash off the soap that has soaked into the pores....you don't.

My son's problem still exists, but it is not a food problem, his is a reaction to STRESS. It has gotten better, but every so often it happens and he is in the tub for an hour soaking in oatmeal and relaxing.

Have her tested and good luck, hopefully it's a minor allergy.

Chelle E.

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answers from Detroit on

My first thought...a newly acquired PEANUT ALLERGY..I hear about this all the time..

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answers from Detroit on

quick question??? Have you had your daughter tested for a peanut allergy? Hives is a severe allergic reaction. Please get her tested for food allergies and stay away from anything that has peanut butter or chocolate in it until you know. J.

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answers from Grand Rapids on

Sounds like a food allergy, to gluten? peanuts? milk? I agree with you on the natural food front, but you don't have to be Amish to make all your food from scratch =)

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answers from Detroit on


You may want to have your daughter checked out by an allergist, my son is highly allergic to peanuts and we found out the first time when he was just over one, but it can develop at any time. Just a thought since you mentioned one of the candies involved was a peanut butter cup. Good luck.


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answers from Grand Rapids on

I see food allergy is the top winner of responses and I agree. You might also look at what costume your daughter wore. Both of my kids had reactions to their costumes this year. I washed them both before they wore them, but apparently not enough. I know it wasn't any candy because they didn't get any candy (I made them goodie bags of treats I had made for them...they both have food allergies).

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answers from Detroit on

My son had some DOTS and a couple of small candy bars yesterday and he was up all night throwing up. It was horrible!!!! I wasn't sure if it was the candy or the stomach bug. He is fine today. Your post really makes me wonder. Thanks for the info.

Also.....just thought I'd let you know about an article I read a couple of weeks ago: Due to the current economy, Hershey's has changed it's recipe for their chocolate. They are using a larger portion of oil in place of cocoa. Cocoa is expensive and the oil allows them to save money. If you taste a Hershey's chocolate bar, it tastes much different than it used to. Even if your daughter was not allergic to the old recipe, they may be using something in the new recipe that does not agree with her. I hope she feels better. :)

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answers from Grand Rapids on

Have you considered that it could have been an allergic reaction? I know that I've ate several boxes of Milk duds and haven't broke out yet. Not only that, but the thing they found in the chocolate coins would cause death - not hives. They were also made in China, not the US. Hives are typically an allergic reaction to something in the product. I would look at the packages and see if there is one common ingredient that could cause the problem. Or, was there something else that she could have come into contact with besides the candy that could have caused the reaction. Just my thoughts...

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answers from Detroit on

Your daughter is probably allergic to peanuts. Take her to the doc and have her tested. It can be life threatening if she has it again. I know this because my son has the same allergy.

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answers from Detroit on

I totally understand your feelings. I have never had that experience personally, but I can only imagine. Lucky for us, I live in a small town, and they hosted a "safe night" down in the park. The people handing out the candy were the police & fire station, pto, churches...etc. I didn't have to really worry about what the children got. It just goes to show that a lot of people, and companies can not be trusted and/or do thier jobs correctly. I really hope your daughter is feeling better. What an experience for a child to have on one of the most exciting days in the year!!

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answers from Detroit on

I would have her tested for food allergies! Is she allergic to peanuts? See your pediatrician today.....

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answers from Detroit on

Hi A.,

Honestly, it sounds more like a food allergy. Most chocolate candies have some sort of peanut in them. My guess is that she has a peanut allergy. If it isn't peanut, then look for another common ingredient in those two candies.

Food allergies WILL cause that type of reaction with even the smallest amount. Many kids with peanut allergies have reactions even if their SKIN comes in contact with the peanut oil... they don't even have to ingest it!

So, yes... we DO have to be careful with the foods we give our kids ... but before you jump to the conclusion it is the food company I would investigate the allergy option. If it is an allergy you certainly want to be aware of it so you can avoid the allergen. These things have a way of getting worse with more exposure.

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answers from Detroit on

Hi A.,
I, too, am disgusted that our government doesn't do much to protect us from harmful stuff. My daughter told me about the gold coins being contaminated with melamine.
Your daughter had quite a reaction- could she be developing a peanut allergy? You said she had Reese's peanut butter cup. Maybe you could check that out.
It is funny that you said you might become Amish- my daughter and her husband sort of live like that - they bought a farm and raise a lot of their own food, and have chickens and grazing cattle. I know their food is a much better quality- I can taste the difference.
I would like to recommend to you a book that just came out called 'Green Goes with Everything' by Sloan Barnett. It is a very good resource for a simpler, greener life. It is on Amazon for about $13. On pg. 31, she quotes the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976- the government doesn't require chemical safety testing of products before they are put on the market! On pg, 90 she quotes a top researcher at the EPA, who states that they have known for 25 years that phthalates are disrupting human testosterone necessary for the masculinization of our men and boys!! Unbelievable- phthalates are in all artificial fragrances, which are in everything now- all products have to smell like Tropical Breezes or Mountain Pine! No one knows what fresh air smells like anymore.
If you would like further information about some contaminated baby products, etc. that I could send that to you- I just don't know how to do it through Mamasource. I can direct you to a couple of good websites, though. Try www.concernedmoms.com, or to see an 18 minute CBC documentary about household cleaning products, go to www.theglobalsuccessteam.net and click on 'Toxic Brew'. I saw this video about 2 years ago and it blew my mind- I just wish that I had known this stuff when my children were young.
I would check out the allergy thing with your daughter, and let me know. I also know of a very good doctor who can help to alleviate that- it is called the NAET system.
Take care,

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answers from Detroit on

That reaction sounds like an allergy. NOT contamination.

I would think peanut allergy and be very careful about other items that your daughter eats. Peanut allergies can be serious.

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answers from Detroit on

Last year we traded our kids their halloween candy for a toy at the store. It was a little expensive to do but we got rid of the candy quick! I hate it sitting around the house for them to beg me for or for me to eat when Im bored. Im not sure if we are going to do it again this year I might just throw it out instead:) Good luck

I too agree it sounds like an allergy, but youve heard that 1000 times already,lol. Im glad your daughter is okay now!~~~

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answers from Benton Harbor on

Unless every child who ate candy from that package had a reaction, then it's not contamination, it's an allergy. If your child has a peanut allergy, then they will react to any food items made on that same machinery. Allergies can develop later, too, even if she hasn't reacted before.

Be careful who you blame...it doesn't do any good to go off the deep end instead of finding the real cause of your daughters misery. Have you contacted the companies to see if they had other complaints? Have you had your daughter tested for allergies? Did her costume have components that she could have been allergic to? Did you save the lot numbers in case a recall happens (just for peace of mind)? Are milk duds and pb cups even made by the same company?

I think you over-reacted. If it really was the candy, I hope you took steps to correct the situation!




answers from Saginaw on


I understand your frustration. I agree it is better to go with natural foods and make everything from scratch. But an allergic reaction doesn't neccessarily mean process. If it is peanuts then even your natural could do it or some other simple ingrediant. Get her tested and know her trigers so she doesn't encounter them in her future.

I hope she is getting better.

As for the FDA they have no power anymore the same as the USDA.




answers from Detroit on

It sounds like an allergic reaction to me. I think that your best bet would be to take her to the dr. and figure out what triggered the reaction. Good luck.



answers from Benton Harbor on

Sounds like she might be allergic to peanuts! Get her tested immediately - traces of peanuts are in so many things.



answers from Lansing on

Does she have a peanut allergy?



answers from Detroit on

It sounds like she had an allergic reaction, rather than a food contamination. I would have her checked out to find out what triggered it.



answers from Saginaw on

I was just wondering if maybe the child has an allergy. I have never heard of anything like that and my kids love candy.



answers from Detroit on

Could she possibly have a peanut allergy?



answers from Grand Rapids on

Any chance your daughter has a peanut allergy?



answers from Detroit on

It sounds like she is allergic to something she ate, my children eat these same candies and have never had a reaction like that. Has she been checked for food allergies?

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