Feeling Sad About Lack of Connection with Other Women/Making Friends

Updated on December 06, 2011
M.P. asks from Peoria, IL
7 answers

I'm not sure why I'm writing but I guess I'm just wondering if I am the only one...
I'm friendly and outgoing but I have a hard time making friends. I grew up with boys and I am okay one-on-one with other women. But when you put me in a group of women, I clam up, I get nervous and I either say REALLY stupid things, talk too much or just can't say anything. I want to have a couple of girlfriends but I have such a hard time fitting in with other l ladies. I'm comfortable around people I've known for a long time but I am so self-consious and literally just cannot relax and be myself. I always end up going home feeling like, "Ugh. Why did I say THAT?" and then feeling like the other person must think I'm an idiot, which compounds the problem the next time I see them and eventually I get the feeling that they don't like me. How can I relax and just be myself? I know I am a good person with a kind heart but I just don't know how to let that shine. I guess I'm also really scared of opening up because I've had my feelings hurt so many times by other women and/or groups of women in the past. I don't need a whole group of friends but at least a couple besides my childhood pals that live far away would be nice. :( I have to say that is one of the reasons I am so glad I have you Mommas out there.

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answers from St. Louis on

At some point I realized everyone doesn't need to like me. I know that sounds like a well duh statement but it seems like we get so wrapped up in who doesn't like us that we lose sight of who does.

Once you accept that it seems to take the pressure off and open you up to the great friends you have or could have. :)

Think of it another way, if you managed to make friends being someone you are not you will have to pull that off for the rest of your life. Friends should not be that much work.

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answers from Chicago on

Are you a SAHM? It can be very isolating if you don't have other moms to connect with a couple of times a week. Can you get involved with your kids' school? I was very lonely until my oldest went to preschool and I met some other moms, but even then, I never felt like I really clicked with anyone until recently. A mom I met last year when my middle child was in preschool is so much like me. It took a little while to get to know each other, but now she is a great friend. We really clicked, and talk/text all the time. We do play dates, and just go out for mom's nights out. I didn't think I'd find another female friend to bond with like I did in high school and college, but after 6+ years of being a SAHM, I finally did. Maybe try to find a mom's club in your area and do meet-ups, or join a book club. One good tip that I learned is to let the other person/people do most of of the talking. Ask them about themselves and their kids. People love to feel like someone is interested in their lives, and they love to talk about themselves. Hope you make some connections soon!

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answers from Phoenix on

I totally know what you're saying. To be honest, I don't think people think you're saying things that make you sound like an idiot. Sometimes we feel a little self conscious because we aren't totally close to the people we're talking to. But everyone is in the same boat. Keep trying even if it isn't comfortable. That's what I did and it helps as the relationship gets closer. And sometimes women just don't want to be that close for some reason. If that's the case, move on to someone else. There are great women out there that would make great friends. I had trouble at my church but my homeschool group is great. I did belong to two different groups over the years where I felt like an out cast but now I'm a part of a great homeschool group with great women. Keep trying and good luck!

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answers from Naples on

You are so not alone. Just the other day I was feeling sad about how I just don't seem to have any real women friends any more. Just a couple that I know will ALWAYS be there throughout my life. But even then, we are all SO busy that the most we do is talk on the phone every once in a while and maybe get together a few times a year. One of them live out of state the other is 2 towns away!
Another girlfriend is moving away at the end of this month!
My neighbors across the street have so much in common with us, including having a 2 yo boy, but the wife is not that friendly to me. She has "hair parties" where she hires a stylist to come out to the house and never invites me. :(
It can be so hard to connect to other women. Just keep trying. You're obviously a good, kind person. :) Good luck.

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answers from Chicago on

You sound a lot like me--I am CONSTANTLY judging my interactions with other women--scrutinizing every comment I make, wondering why I wasn't able to articulate what I REALLY meant when on the spot, and why I was such a dolt.

I don't have that problem with males, at all, as I feel they are not as judgmental as we catty women can be. I can be myself around guys, just fine--I speak my mind on every subject, but with women---crickets, and then when I do speak, it is uncomfortable for me.

Honestly, though, I think it is all just in my head, and I am sure yours is too. What have I found that works for me? Getting to know ladies over some drinks--I need 1-2 glasses of red wine or a margarita to take the edge off and stop over-analyzing my conversation skills. Once we've gotten to know each other a bit, I can be much more open.

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answers from Chicago on

First of all ... women are hard to make friends with and if you do not belive that to be true then you are kidding yourself. Find ONE and start there. I am crazy out going and fun but I can not stand most of the things women do and it sucks because my fiance's friends' wives are so guilty of so many "chick moves" that I can not stand to be around them often times just because I do not understand what they are thinking or doing. With that said I have three lifetime friends and that is all I need ... the sucky thing is that they are all in different states!

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answers from Dallas on

I actually feel the same way. I have friends from Middle School/High School that I still see (graduated 10 years ago) but other than them I feel like I can't make friends either. I have a son who is in Kindergarten and I wish I could "fit in" more with the moms. I guess I just want to feel a connection with someone other than the men in my life. I need some girl time, LOL. Hubby says we should have another baby so I can get my girl. LOL yeah right, that wont solve it.

Well I'm rambling now, and not making since but I hope that you can get my point. You arent alone sister.

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