I am SO with you. This is my fourth baby. I am only halfway through the pregnancy, and I'm already as achy and miserable as I usually felt only in the last few weeks with the others. The muscle aches and round ligament pain are unbearable...plus I'm exhausted and cranky. I have no drive, no energy. And all this after spending the first 3 months sick as a dog, puking every day (but that part is normal for my pregnancies).
I have noticed that the abdominal aches...the strained muscles and round ligament pain...is greatly reduced if I hold my belly up. I'm thinking about getting one of those maternity belts to reduce the strain on my poor, worn-out body. In the mean time, I cut a long strip of stretchy fabric I had, and have been wrapping it around the underside of my belly and tying it in the back. It helps some.
I know that diet and moderate exercise helps my exhaustion and energy levels, but my appetite is so screwy that it's hard to maintain a great diet. And needing energy - to do excercise - to increase energy is one of those vicious cycles of which I tend to be on the losing side!!
Prenatal massage sounds absolutely FANTASTIC!! But my husband is unemployed right now, and I just can't afford it. If you can...try it. I will live vicariously through the idea of you going. ;-)
My greatest solice has been to just focus on the fact that this isn't forever. Just a few more months, and my body will start to feel normal again, and I'll have an awesome baby boy in exchange. Just try to rest as much as you can. We'll get through this, girl!! I hope you are able to find some relief. If you find a magic cure...let me know!