Feeding Solids - Lake Orion,MI

Updated on August 24, 2007
J.C. asks from Lake Orion, MI
7 answers

Hello Moms,
My son turned eight months old today and has finally started eating cereal, veggies and fruits very well. Within the past two weeks, I also introduced pureed meats from Gerber. Since he is breastfeed too, I am not really sure how much or how often I should be feeding him these solids. I have been trying to stick to 2 meals per day, with breakfast as cereal, fruit and a veggie. Then, dinner is cereal, a meat and a veggie or fruit. How much cereal and fruit/veggies/meats should I give him at each meal? Thank-you for your advice!

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answers from Detroit on

I breastfed my daughter up until 7 months old now she's almost 10 months. During that time she was 6 months old is when I started feeding her what you are feeding your baby. I gave 2-3tbs of cereal and I would mix a jar of fruit with that for breaskfast, then lunch I gave a jar of stage 2 fruit and a jar of stage 2 veg and for dinner a jar of meat and\or a fruit or veg and still nursed. Then when I weened her schedule pretty much stayed the same. Now she's on strickly table food and loves that so much more. It's great to see what she really likes and dislikes. The only thing I will tell you is what our peddiatrician said as well. Do not stick to a schedule when they are on solids because they eat like we do now and don't require a set schedule. We eat when were hungry and so do they. Since you are still breastfeeding I don't see any difference. I didn't so anything differently. How many times are you nursing a day because that would make for a whole different plan????/ Write back



answers from Detroit on

I can only tell you what my kids ate as each child is different.
By 8 months both my son and daughter would have a 5oz bottle, 2-3 Tbs. of cereal and a jar of fruit for breakfast (8am)at lunch it was another jar of veggies and a 5-6oz bottle (12pm) at dinner it was a jar of mixed veggies/meat and a 5-6oz bottle (4-5pm) at then at bedtime (8pm) it was a 6-8 oz bottle.
Hope this helps a little!!



answers from Benton Harbor on

I think Angela T has been peeking in my windows!! lol That is EXACTLY the schedule and amounts my son eats now at 8 months. As some others have said, the baby food is just for practice at this age. Yes, my baby loves his baby food, but the breastmilk/formula is all he really needs for the first year. I wouldn't worry about the amount of baby food as much as I would make sure you are not decreasing the breastmilk as a result. I always feed a bottle prior to baby food, just to make sure that the nutrition comes first.



answers from Detroit on

i did 2 solid meals a day at 8 months... then started 3 meals a day at 9months.

fruit and cereal for breakfast.

vegetable and fruit or meat and veg for dinner

most of the nurtition comes for breastmilk so dontworry how much food to give him.. itis just practice for eating solid foods.



answers from Detroit on

I myself only gave my daughter the gerber rice for breakfast 2-3 tablespoons (to this day she LOVES it and eats it). Lunch fruit and Dinner Veggie. They will only eat until they are full.



answers from Grand Rapids on

Right now, you are getting him used to the textures and his tongue and checking for allergies. (Only introduce a new food every 3-4 days so that if he has a reaction, you'll know which food it came from.) When my son started eating solids, I gave him 1/3 of the container, if he wasn't showing interest, I just gave him a spoonful or 2 and then tried again next meal. We started with 1 meal a day, then 2, then eventually 3, but his main source of nutrients was still from the formula (or in your case, breastmilk). I also started with veggies, then meat, and lastly fruit, so that he wouldn't turn away from the less-sweet flavors. Good luck!



answers from Grand Rapids on

I just started giving my breastfed 6-month old solids. I give her 2 solid "meals" a day. Since at this point solids are supposed to be a supplement to breastfeeding. I feed her solids until she doesn't want anymore (she turns her head away or won't open her mouth) and then nurse her afterward. We are doing a new food every 4 days and so far we are doing rice cereal with bananas mixed in (I introduced them separately, but now blend them) in the morning and then a veggie in the evening. It is important to give them cereal or another iron-rich food daily because their iron stores run out at 6-8 months old.

I highly recomend the book Super Baby Foods, by Ruth Yaron. It gives extensive information about when, what and how much to feed your baby and has a directory of foods in which you can look up a type a food and it gives inforation about when you can introduce it, how to prepare it, and how to store it.

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