I agree to give the rice cereal 1x a day for a week to 2 weeks, then you can move to 2x a day. For starting other foods, use the Gerber or whichever brand pureed foods (stage 1) OR, make your own (very easy and saves $$$) and freeze it.
I was always told to start veges first, otherwise the child might get "hooked" on the sweeter stuff and turn her nose up at veges. And introduce 1 a week, or every 4-5 days. I introduced peas, then carrots, then sweet potatoes, then green peas, squash, THEN moved to fruits (pears, prunes, avocado, applesauce, bananas, peaches, apricots, mango, etc.). I usually do my veges at lunch then fruits at dinner, so if veges didn't go over so well I wasn't completely out of patience at noon as I could be at 5pm. I also continued giving cereal until like 9 mos as I breastfed so the iron was important because she wasn't getting it through iron-fortified formula.
Check out www.wholesomebabyfood.com for ideas, or my friend recommended the book Super Baby Foods. She swears by it for a month by month "tutorial".
So, at 6 mos I did cereal and a vege, then at 7 month moved to cereal and pureed vege/fruits 2x/day and followed the 2 meal/day for 2 months (7th and 8th mos), then at 9 months of age I moved to 3 meals a day and adding lots of finger foods (and still doing 3-4 nursings/bottles a day: 7am, 11am, 3pm, 6pm). I also primarily breastfed up until 10 months then moved to bottles (she became too squirmy for nursings).
Good luck and be prepared for messiness -- it's her way of learning to eat!