Feeding My 8Th Month Old

Updated on December 11, 2006
M.F. asks from Danbury, CT
9 answers

Hi there. I have a beautiful 8th month old girl. I am concerned about her weight. She is about 25 lbs and 28 inches long. Right now she eats about 3 jar foods (2 veggie, 1 fruit...stage 2) and 5 bottles with 7 ounces of water and 2 1/2 scoops of powder formula. Myself and my husband are also on the large side so I want to make sure she has healthy eating habits but I don't want to go overboared either. I have been following the doctors orders. He says that I'm not feeding her too much but that she just stores what she eats. My question is...how do I know when she should be giving up more of her bottles and be satisfied with the jar food? I am afraid to give her more jar food to fill her up and then she still wants a bottle. Any advice as to what other 8 month olds are eating would be helpful. I am also afraid to start any table food with her because I don't want her to keep gaining. She has tapered off her weight the past 3 months but I just want to be on top of it.

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answers from New York on

Hi M., Being that your baby is not even one yet, you shouldnt really worry about her diet. From what you are saying you are feeding her well. She is still growing and any suggestions about a diet is not a good idea.. Now if she was 4 yrs old and tipping the scale thats a different story. Enjoy your chunky baby, when she starts to walk and run around, you will see those fatty legs slim down. Until then, continue feeding her that right things. GOod Luck.



answers from Buffalo on

You might try substituting water in a sippy cup for some of her bottles - certainly offer that during mealtimes. She's definitely a good eater! ;^)



answers from New York on

My youngest nephew was a large baby. By age 1 he weighed almost 30pds. And he was born at a normal weight. Let me tell you his rolls had rolls. However, as he grew and got more active he lost a lot of weight. Now he is a very well built muscular kid. Is you daughter mobile (crawling or walking) yet. Once she's off and running she will slim down. Right now she's not very active at all and so she's not burning the calories. There is no need to put your baby on a diet. He body does need what she intakes to grow properly. A fat baby does not equal a fat child, and a slim baby does not equal a slim child. I was a very slim kid and I'm a overweight adult. Just teach her good eating habits with fruits and veggies. She will decide what she wants later anyway.



answers from Rochester on

until about age 1 - formula or breastmilk is suppose to supply the majority of calories and nutrients for baby. your daughter isnt going to eat enough table food at this point to get all the vitiams and minerials that her growing body needs. Personally i wouldnt worry about her weight and eating unless herdoctor is. Babies naturally slim out once they start moving (walking/running/etc) and get less interested in eating and more interested in what they can get into! Babaies also need a higher fat diet then adults for brain growth which happens till about age 2



answers from Buffalo on


Why are you worried about weight gain in your infant? Children that age are supposed to be gaining weight. My kids weighed 25 lbs at 6 MONTHS! You are feeding that child what she needs to grow both physically and mentally. Do NOT make the worries of society the worries of this tiny child. Babies are SUPPOSED to be fat and chunky! I bet within a month or two, your child will have a growth spurt that will make you understand why she has been storing his food. Don't worry Mom!!



answers from Rochester on

I agree with the other responses that she is totally fine as a chunky baby. I worried about the same thing with my boys, and my mother assured me that they would slim down. My son was 3 and still appeared chubby, and the first time he got sick with a flu type virus, he slimmed right down and through his growth spurts he has slimmed. He is just right and healthy as ever. I'm glad that he had some extra weight. Sounds like you have a lovely healthy child. Good luck!



answers from New York on

follow your vibe, trust in yourself, and thicken her milk, put cereal.



answers from New York on

If she is still hungry after giving her jar food, try decreasing the milk you give her a little every day. for example if ahe she has jar food , only give her four onces of milk. Speak to your pediatrician they should have great suggestions



answers from Burlington on

I know what ur goin through. I have twin 16mnth old gurls, and let me tell you one of them was eatin soooo much when she was 8 months. But dont worry, have u tried givin her juice? that might also help cool down on the bottles of formula and that will fill her up a little much more. I myself would bring the bottles down to about 2 or 3 a day of formula and about 1 or 2 bottles of juice.. only 4oz, and dilute it to where its like 4oz of juice to 1 or 2 oz of water. that would help too. Does she have teeth yet? if she does, start givin her some table food. only a little cuz it can really mess with her stomach if u give her too much, i started my gurls out wit a little bit of mashed potatoes, and some pies. but very little of it. But i know where ur comin from cuz my dads side of the family is big and so am i, but once she gets a little bit bigger and is able to walk she'll start to burn off the weight. but everything should be fine. Also if she has teeth, start to feed her some stage 3 foods too, dont give her too much just start her on it. I was giving one of my daughters stage 3 foods at like 5mnths old, cuz 1 n 2 wasnt enuff, hehe.. so yeah i kno what its like.. i hope this helped..if u have anymore questions just email me ok..byes

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