Fathers Day Gifts for New Dad

Updated on June 09, 2008
B.W. asks from Palos Hills, IL
4 answers

I looking for some great ideas for a fathers day gift for a new dad. I have done the picture with a daddy's little boy picture frame and I have also purchased a "daddy and son" book and I have stamped baby's handprint in the cover.

Anyone have any other cute ideas? Mamasource moms are the best!! Thx!!!


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answers from Chicago on

Last year I got one of those kits from Michaels Craft store to make your own stepping stone. On father's day morning as a family we made it and put our boys names and hand or foot print in it (for our 1 yr old we did his foot print rather than hand b/c we were afraid he would try and grab a fist full of the concrete). We placed it right by the back door in a flower bed where my husband and the kids see it every day.
I have also made a CD for father's day, it is compiled of songs about family and being a father. It helps if you like country music because there are so many songs on that topic.
I hope you find something!



answers from Chicago on

For his first Fathers Day, I got my husband a Daddy Tag from MommyTags.com. He's never taken it off and when our second son was born, I got a second tag for him. I got the same for Mothers Day and love it.




answers from Chicago on

My husband is a coffee drinker so I got him a mug from shutterfly.com with our son's picture on it.

This year though I am going for a more practical approach and he's getting a tool box, so that he can get all his screwdrivers and drill parts, tape measure and hammer out of the pantry (currently in a basket on the pantry floor). he keeps saying he needs one... so he's getting one :)



answers from Chicago on

Like Jennifer, I got my husband a travel mug with our daughter's picture on it. Snapfish, Shutterfly, Walgreens, Walmart, etc. all have TONS of photo gift ideas including key chains, mugs, calendars, etc., etc. Have fun deciding!

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