I just love Grandma T!
The mama who advised getting 1/2 the money out of the bank account is right. In fact if and large payments are coming up and there is money to cover these bills, it would be fine to take an additional amount to cover those costs, but she may also need receipts/proof to show the court she wasn't being unfair.
She should also make a list of all joint assets, get her name off any credit cards he has and ask for cards only in her name. Keep copies of all tax returns (last 7 years).
Also correct, do not sign anything that has not been throughly read. Legal aid should be able to assist your friend. Your friend's husband would probably file for joint custody at some point anyway, but a man who is having an affair isn't interested in much except for the constant sex he's getting from his girlfriend. She should ask the court to award her attorney's fees, child and spousal support, college tuition, half his 401K/IRA, retirement/pension, etc., (Hopefully she has his employment information regarding all this, if not and he works for a public company that has good benefits, she should get a copy of the latest annual report, it might list the benefits. She should also ask to remain in the family home until her children are of age and/or in college. (IF she wants to stay). Some states allow this up to age 22 / 23.
In asking for these things, she is not being vindictive, she is taking care of business at a very difficult time. If she can keep from showing her anger and pain from her cheating husband and just be as cool and calm as possible, that will really shake him up. She should tell him that "her" attorney will be in touch with "his" attorney. LAST BUT NOT LEAST, Change ALL the locks on the doors and if he doesn't like that and calls the police, she will have the divorce paper that he's been threatening her with and they will probably send him away. She should also immediately file for "temporary full custody" and a "temporary restraining order" until the court date.
In other words, she can fix his "little red wagon", simply by taking charge. Tell her its OK to cry and scream and hold a pity party or two, just do it with good friends or in private, BUT out of his sight. Trust me, this will drive him nuts.