As the mom of 28 week preemies - twin boys - who just turned three years old, I just want to congratulate you and suggest that you relax. I can't make any preeclampsia recommendations, as I didn't have that complication. However, I did want to weigh in on some twin info. My OB told me that twin lung development occurs earlier than for singles - an amazing marvel of the human body, most likely because twins usually deliver earlier than singles. In our case (and in several others that I've since observed) the twins were much more stable at each stage of gestation than a single would have been. The only other piece of advice I can offer is to research the NICU options in your area. While I hope that you won't need it, you want to make sure that you have the best taking care of your little angles if it's necessary. Oh yeah, and twins are more than twice the fun so get ready ;)