No lotion or cream will help eczema. you need to cure it from the inside out. It lives in teh colon and its usually caused by a food sensitivity. Dairy is most usually the culprit for eczema.
Start by eliminating a food you think is the problem. Start taking ACIDOPHILUS. Its a probiotic and it will attack the eczema in the colon, where it lives, and replace that bad bacteria with good bacteria. You will know its working when the eczema moves around your skin, then it will go away. Then add in some fish oils/omega 3's. They are great for skinand hair, and it will help heal the skin after the acidophilus clears it from the inside.
If your skin is itchy, get some TEA TREE OIL. You can find it in the band aid isle at WAl Mart for $2. A few drops in a bowl of warm water, then put a washcloth in the water, and then lay it across the affected area's. THis will help heal the fungus in the skin (yes, true eczema is a fungus on the skin), and will help stop the itching.
With the ACIDOPHILUS, FISH OILS/OMEGA 3's, and TEA TREE OIL, your eczema will clear up or be alot better within a month.