When I first got my step kids, they had been on a high sugar/milk diet and my DSS was always constipated. His grandma always gave him apple juice to try to relieve the constipation, but it didn't help. I changed his diet when I took over to very high fiber, low sugar/fat, and low dairy/only soy and he has not had any issues since....it's good your daughter has been able to skip the meds most days now...and hopefully it will continue on the same...but in regards to the pooping...I have the same issue with my Himalayan, actually! He will not go in the litter box! He is a little mental for being a cat - usually cats just go in the box....so I have started timing his poops - he will eat and about 30 minutes later or so, he will need to poop...so I just monitor him after he eats...and when he starts acting like he has to go, I will follow him to the littler box area and watch him until he goes (he of course won't poop in the floor while I am watching!). So far, so good - he has used the box this week and it seems to be working. Maybe the same can work with toddlers - wait for about 30 minutes or so after she eats, and then put her on the toilet....and also the other mom's response about leaving her in the tub for a couple minutes, then taking her out to poop maybe will work also - it will have loosened up the bowels and then she will be able to 'go,' and then she can get back in the tub....also - big rewards! Each time after my cat uses the box, he gets a treat - so he correlates the box with something good....so, if you haven't already, try giving her a little toy or something for the bathtub each time she uses the potty.....