Ew Cockroaches. Advice Please?

Updated on July 22, 2013
C.C. asks from North Hollywood, CA
9 answers

Me and my husband have been wanting to build a play kitchen for our daughter for awhile now. We found the perfect entertainment center for it. Somebody was throwing one away and it was outside of an apartment complex. I thought it was perfect because the project started out free of charge so far. Well, while we were painting I saw a big cockroach. Today I saw a few baby ones crawl out. Luckily we didnt bring it inside and it's sitting in our driveway. My husband thinks we could spray cockroach spray and get rid of them but Im not so sure. Years ago I used to live in a bad neighborhood, in a not so good apartment and I know first hand how hard they are to get rid of. I'm worried bringing it into our house and causing a bigger problem. Should I just throw it away and start the project new again or is there a way to really get rid of them?

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So What Happened?

Thanks Tara. Unfortunately that's what I figured :/. My husband is being hard headed though since we spent money on paint. It's better just to throw it away.

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answers from Dallas on

Ewww.... No way I'd have that inside my house and end up with a full blown ranch of cockroaches.

There's a reason it was FREE!!!!

Dump it

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answers from Milwaukee on

ETA: C., I feel your pain. But point out to him the cost of professional cockroach removal if they end up in your house because the spray didn't work fully. Or the cost & heartache of your daughter getting sick because of the chemicals he wanted to spray on something she will play with, on, etc. Paint is cheap in comparison...


Two things wrong with this picture:
#1. It has cockroaches. Adult ones, baby ones, probably more eggs you can't even see. Ewww & icky.

#2. Spraying it with insecticide is the same as putting poison on your child's toys.

You got it for free, cut your losses, & look for something more suitable. Maybe a free entertainment center advertised on Craigslist that is still in someone's home when you come to pick it up.

Good luck, fun project, great ingenuity. Just don't continue with the materials you currently have! T.

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answers from New York on

Get rid of it. Will cost more if you need to have exterminator in your home.

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answers from Los Angeles on

when my neighbors moved and the new ones started to remodel I got their cockroaches! The exterminator told me that the ONLY thing that kills them is a gel that they use in restaurants and it has to go behind the fridge, washer and dryer, and microwave that is where they live and thrive. Cockroaches have been around since the dinosaurs and have never changed their structure they are very hardy...........the gel is the ONLY thing that works!!!!! Trust me on that one. Get rid of them quickly or your neighbors will hate you for bringing them into the neighborhood

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answers from Los Angeles on

I would be way more concerned about bedbugs than the cockroaches (which I agree are gross also)... but seriously if there are bedbugs in that sucker and you bring it in your house that is a problem 20xs larger than even the worst type of cockroach

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answers from Washington DC on

I would just throw it away. I would never take furniture from the street or sidewalk or anything because they are being thrown away for a reason. Who knows what kind of nasty stuff is in there (bed bugs, roaches and other bugs). I won't even buy stuff at garage sales. I have dealt with bed bugs when we moved into our current place (landlord didn't tell us about the problem and we never had them before). That was an awful first 6 months in this house of exterminating and cleaning like crazy and costly too. Thankfully they have been gone for over a year now though. So, if I were you, I would toss it. Sorry!

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answers from Washington DC on

oh, what a pity. dang.
hard though it will be, i'd throw it away. so frustrating, but cockroaches have survived virtually unchanged for millions of years because of their fearsome adaptability.
don't challenge darwin. pitch it.
:( khairete

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answers from Washington DC on

Tell your husband that the cost of a good exterminator making repeated visits to your home is MUCH greater than the cost of buying a new play kitchen for your child.

This is why I won't pick up furniture off the curb, ever. I've seen gross stuff crawl of things sitting by the curb. Don't do it. I know there are TV shows where "experts" get free things and redo them, but I wonder how many of those shows never broadcast the crud that the "experts" have to toss out because it's infested.

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answers from Colorado Springs on

I agree with Tara. Save the paint; you can use it on a good, non-buggy piece of furniture for that kitchen. I have had no trouble with things I buy from thrift stores (most of the furniture in my house!), but I would be scared to take a throwaway. It's being put out for the garbage collector for a reason. Instead, ask your friends if they have something play-kitchen-suitable that they'd like to pass on to you. Meanwhile, call a reputable exterminator and ask what the chances are of those roaches invading your house from the driveway.

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