Ok, I know this is going to sound strange, but have you read about cabbage leaves? I used them to help with engorgement when I decided not to nurse my daughter and it helped; however, I've read that continued use can actually dry up the milk. Read more about that at the link below. And, if you do a google search on cabbage leaves and weaning (or lactation), more sites might pop up.
Personally, I'm concerned that 7 months later you are still producing milk, but I'm sure the doctor will have you tested when you go for your appointment. You might want to call back and see if the office considers this something that requires more immediate attention. Maybe they'll move your appointment up. Meanwhile, hopefully you and your husband have a good sense of humor. These things happen, and sometimes, all you can do is acknowledge it and move on until help arrives. You could always wear a bra with nursing pads if it's really a bother. I know it's not romantic, but it might be less...distracting. :)