I need some help or guidance. I have a 4 yr old and a 2 mo. old. I never had problems with hemarroids during my pregnancies it was always after. Once again I am suffering and uncomfortable except they are even worse than they were with my first son. I take warm baths, keep the area clean, used medicated wipes and creams. I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions?
Witch hazel can help with some relief. If they don't get any better give the doctor a call.
I think more of us than you know have had problems with hemorrhoids! Just about every mama I know has! Go to your doctor if they're that bad. You just can't deal with the bad ones on your own.
Don't be embarrassed, talk to your doctor.
I never had them either until after I had my second child and what worked for me was a prescription med called ana-mantle (sp?). I got a sample from the OB-GYN and it really worked. It took away the pain completely and the swelling was gone in about 24 hours. Sorry you're suffering. I hope this helps.
When you use the cream (this sounds gross but it can help) manually push those buggers back inside. This can really help. I would also get some fiber in the diet to ensure healthy movements. Constipation, diarrhea and gas can all exacerbate this problem.
OMG! I could have written this exact same question a month ago. I had the same problem. I didn't have hemorrhoids until my second son. I just went to the OB-GYN and this is what she said. These things might just be reoccurring hemorrhoids that never go away, just get smaller. You should talk to your doctor. I went to my primary doctor the first time cause I was freaked out and he prescribed Procto Foam which worked like a miracle, the next day it was gone. Unfortunately, it's kind of expensive. If it becomes a re-occurring issue, you might need to get it banded or even have surgery. If you want to be like me, just use the Prep H and try to take it easy. I think it is common but still painful! Good luck!
I had hemarroids with all three of my babies after delivering. They were never terrible so I could manage them on my own. I made sure to keep the area clean and put vasaline on them throughout the day. This really helped me and I felt I could apply the vasaline as often as I needed since it wasn't an RX. If they are really awful, I would talk to my dr.
Congrats on the new baby and I hope you feel better soon.
You are doing everything right. Another thing I would suggest is to take a look at your diet. Make sure you are eating plenty of fiber rich foods and drinking lots of water, so that you never strain when you go. And stay off your rear, use a donut pillow if necessary. If all else fails, go to the doctor. You don't need to suffer, the exam is quick, and the doctor is used to seeing stuff like this so you don't need to be embarrassed about it. There are in office treatments that they can do that might be more effective than the over the counter stuff you've been using. In the meantime, you can also just put the medicated wipes against the area and leave them there like a compress, sometimes that was helpful for me. Good luck!
I had them severe after my second and during pregnancy-my ob gave me a RX spray and it worked wonders. Call them and ask. L.:)
Also be sure to get a healthy dose of fiber in your daily diet.