Egg Donation

Updated on April 25, 2009
K.D. asks from Virginia Beach, VA
6 answers

I was thinking about donating eggs I wanted to see if it's not to personal of a topic if anyone has ever done it before give me some insight. Or even if you haven't done it before any advice on doing this. Thanks in advance

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answers from Norfolk on

i know you have to take shots/pills for a couple weeks i believe then they bring you in and prop you up like for a pap and then draw the eggs out which i hear hurts like maybe a labor cramp. i think before all this they give you a phsyc exam to see if you are stable enough to do this "giving of your genes". there are sites online that can help you find that perfect couple to give to or if you dont want to know they have lists of names of companies that would take the eggs. heres my favorite...they have surrogacy too so dont let the name fool you. i myself was going to try to be a surrogate so i heard about egg donating alot in one of my groups. good luck.

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answers from Washington DC on

It's great that you are considering this. My sister wanted to donate eggs to us, but due to our age, the hosp. wouldn't do it. Also, the cost is astronomical to the couple receving the eggs. It would have cost us 30,000 cash in order for the procedure to be done, without the guarantee that it would work. If the embroys didn't take, the money was lost. Insurance doesn't cover it.

Mind you, there are plenty of eggs in "storage" right now waiting to be "adopted." So, before you do this, have a couple that are ready to take on your eggs now, so that they are not sitting in "storage" waiting to be used. I applaude your willingness to help couples who aren't able to conceive, but this is just another side to the story.

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answers from Washington DC on

I have also thought about donating my eggs. I have been lucky enough to have no problems conceiving my two boys and I would love to give the same gift to someone else. The only thing I have thought about was would I have any feelings of lose or think about how many of my eggs had been used and how many children out there were biologically mine.

Good Luck,



answers from Washington DC on

I am looking forward to the responses! I have considered this myself. I have a friend who went through IVF that said its not really that bad if you can handle the daily shots and all the dr appts.



answers from Washington DC on

With two young children to care for, I would weigh the risks to your health carefully.

A quick check of Wikipedia lists the following risks of donating/harvesting eggs: "The egg donor may suffer complications from IVF, such as bleeding from the oocyte recovery procedure and reaction to the hormones used to induce hyperovulation (producing more than one egg), including ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) and, rarely, liver failure[11]. The long-term impact of egg donation on donors has not been well studied, but apparently some evidence suggests a risk of early menopause and increased risk of ovarian cancer."



answers from Washington DC on

I've only talked to one person about this so my opinion may be biased. She had done a lot of resource and chose a reputable place to do it. She ended up having a lot of complications. She said it was very painful and she felt sick for weeks. It's a surgical procedure. She was so traumatized by the event that I didn't ask for more details. You may have to have someone take care of you, on top of arranging for childcare, after the procedure. That's something to think about.

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