
Updated on September 18, 2012
E.V. asks from Tempe, AZ
5 answers

Today we went to check my son's cold, but the doctor wasn't worried about the cold. She was worried about my son's eartags. Besides cleft lip and palate, he was also born with eartags. We weren't worried much, but since we arrived here, some people said that I should check his internal organ. They said that eartags could mean kidney problems.
I really wish I can check his, but my doctor is not sure with my insurance. She said she will try to have staffs ask them. Besides that, she wants me to check his hearing
My son had been to an audiologist once, but he wasn't cooperative. Been to ENT, but he really hates someone touch his ears.
Any similar experience on this eartags things?
I have asked mothers with cleft lip kids but it is my son only that have eartags.
Thanks moms.

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answers from Seattle on

Contact the Regional Children's Hospital nearest you. Most, if not all, have a commitment to see to children in need regardless of your ability to pay / whether you have insurance or not / AND most take durn near every insurance in existance... and then will top it off with some pretty killer medical bill scholarships, and forgiveness.

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answers from Seattle on

From ehow health.....
"Skin tags are common in newborns that have kidney problems. Doctors are not completely sure as to why this is because it is not consistent. Some infants with skin tags are found to have kidney trouble but at the same time; many with them have no trouble at all. When skin tags are detected on a newborn, an ultrasound will be recommended just to be safe. Skin tags can be a good indication that there is a kidney problem. They commonly appear on a baby's ear. Ears and kidneys develop at the same time when the baby is in womb.

Treatment for skin tags is optional. It consists of a pediatric or plastic surgeon simply removing it. Liquid nitrogen is a common treatment for skin growths. When it is applied, liquid nitrogen destroys the cell tissue quickly and efficiently. Electrosurgery, or electrolysis is another technique. This is always performed by a professional with the use of an electric needle. Cutting off the blood supply with the use of string or thread will cause the skin tag to fall off.

As for kidney problems, your doctor will check for other conditions or diseases that may cause kidney trouble, including a blockage in the urinary tract or long-term use of medicines that can damage the kidneys, such as some antibiotics or pain relievers. The main options are palliative and supportive care and intensive treatment with renal replacement therapy (RRT). You can talk with a neurologist (doctor specializing in kidney disorders) to discuss other treatments as well.

I second what Riley said. Children's is the place to be. Often times there are scholorships (totally spelled wrong) available if once can not pay for everything or if the insurance doesn't cover it all.


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answers from Chattanooga on

I'm not sure about the ear tags, but you mentioned that his hearing needs checked....

See if your pedi. will give you a referral to early intervention... It's completely free, and they come to your house and do play-based evaluations there. I had my DD's speech evaluated through them, and they tested her hearing and eyesight as a part of the overall testing.

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answers from St. Louis on

That is really odd. Andy was born with one and other than cosmetic surgery to remove it nothing has been mentioned.

We did have Andy's hearing checked when he was two but found out he was just ignoring us, his hearing is fine. What I mean is that wasn't prompted by the skin tag but him ignoring everyone around him. :)

It seems to me it is unnecessary to put a child through an MRI, which is how I assume they would take a look at his kidneys, I suppose ultrasound might do it too, with no issues with urination.

I guess in a nutshell, my son has access to the best medical care, excellent insurance including a double insurance option, and between my ex and I there is plenty of money. If this truly was a valid concern I would think one of my son's 20 doctors would have suggested it, no one has.

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answers from Charlotte on

Are you saying that your son was born with a cleft lip and palate, Mom? One of my sons has a submucous cleft palate (that's one with the skin over the cleft.) His lip is normal, and like the others you talked to, he does not have any skin tags.

Did your son have surgery? It is interesting that he doesn't like to have his ears touched. You should make sure to mention this to the pediatrician. Sometimes that indicates that there is a sensory problem, and an occupational therapist can help with that.

It is VERY important that you have his hearing checked. The speech work you have for him will not help if he is hearing impaired. They have a room they can sit him in, with you and check his hearing. Do this at the Children's Hospital.

PLEASE, get passed this thing of thinking that you don't want help from the government. That's noble and all, but your child's LIFE comes first. If you qualify, you qualify. If you don't, you don't. It is vital that you get the help. Remember, you have to pay to help this child until he's at least 18 years old. That's a long time! A lot of the intervention will have to be paid by you. Accept help that you CAN get, okay?

I hope that you will get a test on his kidneys done to make sure that this isn't a problem. If it's covered by insurance, great. If it isn't, allow the children's hospital to help you.


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