as a mother of a 5 year old child, who has had two sets of tubes, which have done nothing except still get ear infections, the 2nd tube getting stuck in her eardrum, causing its rupture due to another ear infection, during which ear infection her hearing bones were eroded, followed by complete hearing loss, which then led to repair of hearing bones with titanium-made prosthetics, which then led to our (today) 20th day since surgery, with no return of hearing, i say do not get ear tubes. they work sometimes. bathtime and swim time are easy, you get earplugs (child size, they're red, and you can find them anywhere). they work for some. for some, they make your life miserable, they bring you to the point of total heartbreak because we were never warned what could happen, in 1 or 2 per cent, and if you happen to fall in that 1 or two per cent when all things go wrong, you look back and say wish i had never done it.
get this ear infection drained. that is a process that can be done at ENT's office.
if i could do it all over again, i would insist on low dose antibiotics all year round. that is supposed to help your child not get an ear infection from fluid. take this from a mom who has lived in pins and needles for one year now, and i still don't know what the final outcome will be.