Many pediatricians now are much more careful about when they prescribe antibiotics. And yes, many things such as the oils etc. people are recommending here are reputed to be good. BUT...I would check with the pediatrician about using any of these things, and I definitely would take myc child to the pediatrician if there were a suspected ear infection and talk through it all with the doctor. The doctor might say yes, let's wait and see if it clears up, or no, it's worse than you think and needs antibiotics. Please don't assume that you will know when your child is "over" an infection without a doctor's exam. Someone posted how her child seemed to be over an infection but a month later was found to have a raging one. Kids do NOT always show any symptoms with ear infections -- they can act fine, say there's no pain, etc., and an infection can be present, possibly damaging their ears and hearing. Always get a check done to be certain.
Infections can clear up on their own, but leaving them untreated if treatment is what they need is asking for bigger problems. Same goes for strep -- I've seen moms here say "Why not just let it clear up." If left untreated it can become scarlet fever and is harder to treat.
Alternative stuff can help alleviate symptoms for sure and even clear up minor infections but I would always get a doctor to check as well.