I have two morning schedules:
Preschool days: UP, breakfast, shower, get Kiddo to preschool then from 9-1, take care of my own needs (take a walk, grocery shopping, dishes, phone calls, and this site somedays), pick up- nice walk home, playtimes together, snack storytime (he eats, I read), Quiet play time, then dinner prep together, dinner around 5:30, get Kiddo ready for bed, play, bedtime at 7ish, and we usually watch a couple hours of tv from 8-10, or read.
Non-preschool mornings: Slower morning, Kiddo watches SuperWhy and Dinosaur Train and I do email/phone calls, or we are heading out to a playdate/adventure... less structured, depending on the plan for the day. I like to get dishes/housework done before heading out on an adventure. Usually we're back around Snack Storytime/Quiet playtime and take it from there, just as we would a preschool day.
Of course, on the weekends, my husband's being home throws us off, but we've come to a point of understanding that we need to keep certain aspects of the schedule consistent (meals, quiet play, playtimes together) if things are to go well for the whole day.