The only thing I prefer to use (5 kids) is the Maclaren double (any of them, though only some that go from birth). Even the ones that don't, we've had luck with the 3-month-old doing OK in it on recline. These strollers are light and easy to use. They are very well-made. I can take it anywhere. The weight limit is REALLY high and they last forever. I am not aware of any infant carrier adaptations? Maybe they do, not sure.
I do jog and as long as there is a swivel wheel, it's good for me. The BOBS were not so great as the handle only comes in one position. But, jogging with 2 kids is too hard! And then what to do with the others? So we just use it for the park, etc. I run alone when I am able, evenings.
(For that stage where the baby is in the carrier and I have a toddler who is safest in a stroller, I like the Joovy Ultralight Caboose. Ours has one seat and then one "sort-of" seat where they can sit or stand. Not a perfect stroller but it met our needs for that short time. And most infant carriers fit it).