Does Anyone Know a Hotel in the Area That Has Early Check-in?

Updated on March 08, 2007
N.B. asks from Allen, TX
4 answers

I need to book a room for some visiting relatives, but am finding that check-in is 3:00 at most places. They arrive early and will need to check-in around Noon. Any such place somewhere between Plano and Lewisville?

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answers from Dallas on

Hi NB,
I don't know of any that specifically advertise this, but when I made reservations for my husband and I at the Marriott in Grapevine, I asked them if we really could not check in prior to 3; the agent told me we could check in at 1:30---as long as the room was clean. You may want to call a hotel and just ask...




answers from Oklahoma City on

My hubby and I are staying in a hotel this Saturday night, while MIL is here to stay with the kids ;). We got a hotel with an indoor pool so we could take the kids swimming in the afternoon. We want to check in early to get more swim time for the kids, so I just called and asked if we could check in early. No problem! It's easier at some hotels than others, just depends on how full they are the previous night and how early/late people check out and when they can get the rooms cleaned. If the hotel isn't full the previous night you shouldn't have any problem checking in early. But do call ahead and request it, then they'll be much more likely to allow it. HTH!



answers from Dallas on

almost all hotels allow early check-in. just call and ask...



answers from Dallas on

I used to be in the hotel business for MANY years and I know for a fact that you can call in and request a early arrival and they will note it on the reservation. Just let them know what time you need the room.

That should not be a problem. Check out is usually 11-12pm but a lot of guests usually start checking out early then once the room is clean there is no reason why you couldn't get a warly check in.

Good Luck and i hope this helps.

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