It depends on the charter school. different states have different rules, and the counties can have different rules within said state! It can be confusing :)
My daughter attended a charter school last year and we were, for the most part, pleased with it. I did not like that I wasn't allowed to volunteer in the classroom in any way unless I paid for background check-I had no problem submitting to one, just didn't have the money to pay for one. Also, the school she attended is having all sorts of money trouble because, apparently, they aren't held as accountable as the public schools in documenting where the money goes. One other thing-I lost count of the number of fundraisers they had done by Winter break, they did so many! It seemed like every other week there was a new fundraiser and the kids would come home 'can you please buy this, please please PLEASE!? I'll get a prize if I sell the most' I certainly can't afford to support that many fundraisers and most of the people we know in the area we know because our kids attend the same things, so friends never wanted to buy either, my daughter was often upset by this because more than once, she sold nothing.