My son was 5 1/2 before he went on the potty. (he is in the spectrum for autism with autistic like tendencys and he has sensory intergration dysfunction) He didnt start kindergarten untill after he was potty trained (just happened that way) but the public schools here in AZ are required to have an aid for him that can deal with diaper changes. If he is a lower functioning autistic child he will more than likley get a dedicated aid that helps him through out his entire school day. I am very fortunate that my son is doing really well and has not needed a dedicated aid. The teacher and class aid do have to help him with activity transistions. But he is doing exeptionally well. Now when it comes to life skills he still struggles, every morning I need to remind him to go potty, then I have to tell him to take off his P,J's then, put his shirt on, then his pants, etc.. He really is doing so well with school work though. My daughter who is also in kindergarten has wonderful social skills, she is ADHD (and medicated, it works so well for her) but really is struggeling with school work. If he attends public school, they usually have a 10 to 1 ratio of "normal kids" to special needs kidos. Good luck.