I tried twice to type this on my android device and lost it both times. I figured that Satan doesn't want me to answer this question. So I switched to a computer.
Well over 20 years ago, I started to tithe. I run my own business and my husband was just starting out in his career. In the early years we saw rapid promotion. He worked so much he gave me the task of handling all the money. I'm terrible at it. I always have been and always will be. But God is faithful.
One time I had several families on the night shift. They were all working in the same business. That business failed and I lost a lot of money all at once. It was taking time to fill those positions. I stopped tithing. In 4 months I was far behind in my payments. I was making partial payments on everything. But the late fees and such were mounting up. I repented of my lapse in judgment and started to tithe. In less than a week, I had all my spaces filled and in about a month I was all caught up in my bills. After that, I never stopped tithing again. But there were many times when I was giving haphazardly, without a plan, not 10%, but whatever I felt like giving. It does NOT work for me. God has kept me on a very short leash through the years. My business goes up and down depending on my obedience in this area.
I was 50,000 in debt once. I started giving more and I started claiming Jubilee in my life. In less than a year God got us out of debt through a series of events that brought us to California.
I spent about 3 years making very little money and I really hated that. My husband was tithing. But he had a terrible attitude towards us and I was not praying as much as I should or really giving myself to worship like I ought, like I want to. My husbands job ended. But God is ever faithful. We tithed right off the top of the money we took out of retirement, came back to our home state and opened the daycare again. Even though we were fresh off the moving truck, I posted the ads in the paper, gave my California cell phone #'s in the ad and within one week was FULL of kids day and night. I was able to maintain us for the 10 months my husband was unemployed. It was hard. But as always, God is faithful.
Last week I had a huge problem with one of my families and another mom announced she was pregnant. I'm not able to save space for the one leaving to have a baby and I need to part ways with the lunatic that caused so much ruckus last week. God is so good. He found me two families, ready to start, both paying me the same and as what I would have lost. They both start and pay today. I am experiencing no lack and not even a days loss of income.
In the past I have waited weeks and weeks to fill the space. But God always brings me a temporary situation, some parent wanting to go out of the country on business or some other long vacation. I make good money on those situations and would not have room to keep them if I did not have some parent lose a job or quit or move or something like that. So not only does he bring me the right kids for everyday needs, but he brings me the right temporary situations.
One time I used one of those checks that come in the mail...the ones that tempt us to go into debt. I used it to help a friend that just had surgery. I didn't do it thinking I would get a return. I gave her 500 dollars and the last thing I would have believed is that I would get 5000 dollars windfall coming. In about a month I did though. It was amazing.
Another time my husband and I were separated. I had very little income to my name. I used my last dollar to buy a lottery ticket and won 5000 on the spot. There have since been times where I won 20 or 50 or and when I went to the river boats with my husband and won 150 or so. I only gamble once or twice per year, just a few dollars. It's not something I waste money on. The time I won 5000 was my first time ever.
Keep in mind, I've done this for 20 years. I have tons of stories and anyone saying you should not or don't need to is ignorant. I don't mean that in a mean way. Ignorance is just a word that indicates they don't know. I KNOW.
I'm in a very small minority. Usually, 5-7% of the born again believers and people of other types of churches say they tithe. But now it's down to 4% because people are not using their faith. It is my belief that we would see much more unity of spirit, and less crime and less of all bad things if more people would tithe. Our country would turn around and be great like it once was.