Okay... my son was Speech Delayed.
From 19 months old to almost 3 years old, he got speech therapy from our local "Early Childhood Intervention" organization. It is free. I just called them myself and did not need a Pediatrician referral.
They come to your house, and do a full developmental assessment on the child. Then, they tell you the results, Then you decide if you want to proceed with their recommendations/therapy, or not.
My son, was only speech delayed and per the assessment was advanced in several areas for his age.
My son LOVED speech therapy. He knew it was to help him talk.
Meanwhile, SOME Moms, would comment on his speech, per his age. SO WHAT.
It is rude.
I NEVER EVER, felt bad for my son, nor did I feel embarrassed, nor did I act all weird, in front of him when others commented on his speech.
MY son, was smart and had NO problem communicating. He was just delayed in speech. As many boys, are.
I NEVER, made myself feel, that I HAD TO EXPLAIN ANYTHING to anyone, who commented on my son's speech.
Why should I?
That is not their business.
I felt, NO awkwardness, about my son's speech, at all.
And, no one, could make me feel 'bad' about it.
He is my son, and he is smart and able to communicate even if he was speech delayed and he KNEW darn well, what was going on.
My son, is now the most talkative one in our family. AND he has an ASTOUNDING vocabulary, for his age and articulate sentence structure and grasp, of language.
He is also, bi-lingual and learns foreign languages, very easily.
He also, learned Japanese at his Preschool.
He has an astounding, grasp, of language.
He was just, when younger, speech delayed.
KEEP in mind, that being speech delayed, is NOT a reflection of the child nor their intelligence.
Einstein, did not speak until 3+ years old. And he is a GENIUS.
When my son was speech delayed, he NEVER had a problem with communicating with us. He ALWAYS, could convey what he wanted or needed. Because, he was and is, resourceful. And he was very cognizant... of what was going on or what was being said.
The bottom line is: WHY should you feel, self-conscious about your Son's speech delay??? and being in public with him? He is not some deformed child.
He still is a child and NO child, is perfect.
I NEVER EVER, 'compared' my son, to others or other kids, just because he was speech delayed.
I was ALWAYS proud of him, for who HE was.
All the best,