It does!! Sometimes I wish one of my kids would puke in one of my husbands big ol clown shoes so he'd stop leaving them in the middle of the kitchen floor!
My husband got home from work last night like normal leaving his shoes by the door. My 1 y.o. loves to play with any kind of shoe so we have to be careful where we leave our shoes or they will go missing. :) Well 1 y.o. takes off with daddy's shoe and before daddy knows it my 1 y.o. pukes right into the shoe. Doesn't get a drop on the floor any place just directly into the shoe. LOL By this time I am laughing my head off, my 1 y.o. is looking at me like I am crazy and my hubby is freaking out. I told him maybe next time you will put your shoes away so he can't get them.
Hope this puts a smile on your face!
Has this ever happened to you?
My husband cleaned them out at $200 for a pair of dress shoes for work there is NO WAY he is getting a new pair. This pair isn't even 6 weeks old.
It does!! Sometimes I wish one of my kids would puke in one of my husbands big ol clown shoes so he'd stop leaving them in the middle of the kitchen floor!
ooohhh my word!!! thank God I can type without looking at the keyboard!!
i'm laughing soooo hard I am crying!!!
OOOOOPPPS!!! lesson learned!!!
Love this story!
hmmmm maybe I could over feed the cat then put her next to the shoes.
Oh to be a fly on the wall for that one ;)
I am impressed your daughter got it all in there!
Good girl!
lol You should write that one down in your 1 yo's baby book.
One day we found throw up on the top of my dog's head but we couldn't find throw up anywhere in the house or on the furniture. She hadn't been outside. It baffled us. How did she throw up and get it on top of her head? Even 5 yrs later we still haven't found a hidden pile of throw up or anything that resemble throw up in some dark corner or under furniture. It is still a family mystery to this day.
Too funny!!!!!
My hubby is such a baby when it comes to puke - it almost makes him puke! One time I ran to the movie store down the road, was gone about 15 min. Hubby said that right after I pulled out of the driveway our baby girl came over to him and puked on his pants!!!!
Ha ha! I love it! Pick your stuff up buddy!
OH LOL!! Aww I hope your little one's belly feels better :)
How about this... yesterday, I was walking around my house in panties and a tank top... we have no power, it's hot as hell, so whatever. One of my kids says 'Mommy, there's a guy in our front yard'... so, not thinking (can't make coffee because we have no power; can't function without coffee), I walk over to our huge front window... just as the baby bangs on the window... THERE ARE 12 CITY WORKERS IN MY FRONT YARD STARING AT ME 1/2 NAKED!! I hit the floor like I was being shot at and crawled to my room to find shorts.
At least those guys removed the tree that fell across the street ;) I joked to one of them (they came to the door to tell us the power lines were still down), that THAT show was free; next time, I'm charging ;)
LOL, but now I'm over analyzing (of course) and am wondering if you're going to pitch them or clean them? My husband would refuse to wear them again...men (shaking head)!