I was so happy to finally be pregnant (after wanting a baby for many years) that I stayed away from ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that could be potentially harmful. My list included: alcohol, caffeine, soft cheeses (goat, feta, blue cheese, etc.), luncheon meats, raw eggs (as found in many caesar dressings for salads, certain fish with higher mercury content, etc.
It was hard to break some old habits with some of the things I gave up (mostly caffeine), but it was worth it. In fact, I actually gave it all up for 2+ years between pregnancy and breastfeeding. When you think about it, that time is really only a small "blip" in our lives and if sacrificing a few foods/beverages can have any chance to protect my unborn and newborn child...then I was going to do it.
In the end, the sacrifice of giving up some foods/beverages is so minor compared to the peace-of-mind of knowing that you're doing the very best to protect your child.
Congratulations on your upcoming angel. Many Blessings!!!!