You can go to this website and see where the practice is closet to you that is participating www.infantsee.org This is a free screening for infants- not sure to what age.
I would like to have my 3 1/2 yr old, vision and hearing checked. I have a location to call for vision but have no idea where to go for the hearing screening and thats mainly what I want checked. Maybe I should call her pedi and ask since I can't find any information on our insurance website.
You can go to this website and see where the practice is closet to you that is participating www.infantsee.org This is a free screening for infants- not sure to what age.
You'll probably have to take your daughter to an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist to test her hearing. Our son had tubes put in last year and we took him to an ENT for the initial hearing test.
At your 4 year old wellness visit they do both screenings. My son failed both. The eyes were fine as we were referred out. We actually found out through his failing of the hearing test too that the ENT said he was deaf in one of his ears! Call your primary doctor and talk to them.
Our pediatrician did hearing and vision screening during annual well checks. You might start with their office.