Do I Buy a Double Stoller or a Single?

Updated on December 24, 2008
M.R. asks from Maricopa, AZ
36 answers

I am going to have a new baby in March and I already have a 13th month old. She will be 17 months when the new baby comes. I was thinking of getting a double stoller, but not sure if I want to have to carry that around. I was just wondering what others have done? Do I get the single and let my other little one walk or do I buy the double?

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Thank all so much. I will be getting a double and now I have a few more brands that I have not seen at babies R us.

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answers from San Diego on

you will want the double. my first two are 25months apart and I was very glad to have a double stroller. I bought it used since I knew that I would really only use it for at the most a year and then would move onto the sit and stand which I love. hope this is helpful good luck

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answers from Los Angeles on

Hi M.,
My kids are 17 months apart as well and I definitely used a double stroller! In fact, I went through two of them! I guess it just depends on how much you go out, but we went out walking everyday and if my daughter wanted to walk she could but she'd always end up in the stroller! I'd reccomend the front & back type over the side by side, easier to manuver places.


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answers from Los Angeles on

Hi, M.,


My second son was born 14 months after my first. (My sons are now 28 months and 14 months old.) I often need the double stroller. I don't always put it in my car, however. I keep an umbrella stroller in my car. I put the double stroller in my car only if I know that I am going to take both my kids somewhere where the walk would be uncomfortably long for them.

Lynne E

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answers from Los Angeles on

Maybe you should look into getting a sit an stand stroller. One Step Ahead carries one that is a double stroller and then when your older one is ready they can just stand on the back.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I held off buying a double until my daughter was about 4 months, and my son was 24 months....I should have bought it sooner.
Don't think about it twice, just go try them all out, if you can.
I had the Peg Perego Aria Twin stroller, which is a side by side stroller, but I rarely ran into any trouble manuevering it - in fact I had a used Graco (tandem) for about 2 weeks first that was so heavy that I ended buying this new Peg Perego.
WEll worth the price.
I got mine from a out of state baby store (online), so I ended up not having to pay sales tax, and at the time they offered free shipping - so shop around!
Oh, and I had it for 2 years or so, and then sold it on Ebay for about 80% of what I had paid for it....

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answers from Reno on

I have a 18 month old and a 1 month old. I strongly recommend a double stroller. My 18 month old still wants to be carried around even more now that we have the new baby. He is pretty independent but wanting more attention with the little one here. It will be much easier, especially if it is just you running around and going places, to have a double stroller. I purchased the baby trend double stroller that converts to a sit and stand in the back, that way, when my 18 month old is old enough to just stand on the back of the stroller, I can convert it for him. Good luck to you!

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answers from San Diego on

We never used a stroller. DS was 23 months when DD was born. Prior to DD being born, I either carried DS, put him in a shopping cart, or made him walk. By the time he was 24 months, he could walk the mile to the park, play and walk home, no complaining. When DD was born, I carried her or put her in car seat in the shopping cart and DS was either in the big basket or walking. I plan on doing the same when DS #2 comes in February. As for a diaper bag, I used a backpack and kept items to a minimum.



answers from Los Angeles on

I agree with everyone and say get a double. I also want to add though you want to get a really compact single stroller that will fit in the trunk with the double. There are times were you might just have one with you or if you use baby carriers you might not always need a double. Plus a single is really great if you have to take both kids to the doctors office but there isn't enough room for a double.



answers from San Diego on

Hi M.,

I have a Graco Duo Glider for sale with infant carrier car seat if interested. It was a life save with my 2 year old and a newborn!

Congratulations on your soon addition!




answers from San Diego on

You should so buy the double, unless you want to carry one of them!



answers from Las Vegas on

I think you can buy (or order on-line) an attachment that fits on the back of most standard strollers for your oldest daughter to stand and sit when you get out and about, when she doesn't feel like walking or you want her to sit down so that you can breeze through a store pretty easily. For the times that your daughter is walking beside you while you are pushing the stroller, I have found with my son that giving him a very smaller backpack on rollers helped to keep him near me because it is not easy to run off when you have a backpack to care for. The added bonus was that he was able to carry his own snacks, diapers, wipes and a few toys for when we are at a restaurant.

There are also a lot of great double strollers now days. My children are older now so I don't know what is out there but I did have a Eddie Bauer double stroller which I absolutely hated because it was big and cumbersome. When my youngest got older, I pretty much used a Jeep double umbrella stroller all the time. But I do think they probably have more sleaker, easier to manuever double strollers now days but I do think that this is a product where you will want to pay more to get better quality.



answers from Los Angeles on

Got a napper with the older one? Get a double. It's heaven if both sleep at the same time..
Graco is my favorite brand.


answers from Los Angeles on

Double!! You will be glad you did!!!!



answers from Las Vegas on


Go for the DOUBLE!!!!! My kids are 35 months apart and are now 18 mos. and 4 1/2. We still use the double stroller. Especially when we take long walks, at the mall, zoo, vacation, airport, etc. It's great. Even though my 4 year old can walk and run, in fact, she does still get tired when we are out all day. So your 17 month old will for sure get tired too. My son who is 18 months can walk but he tends to wonder and I can't even imagine going anywhere for a long period of time without having something for him to sit in...especially in your case when you will have a newborn to attend to as well. I got mine from a friend. You may be able to find one in a "used" baby store. They are usually in good condition and way less expensive. Congrats on having a girl. I have one of each, it is wonderful to see the difference in both of them. Enjoy every moment of these last few months with your little one...once you have the second life gets A LOT more busy.




answers from Los Angeles on


Buy the double stroller. Trust me, you don't want to end up carrying one meanwhile the other is in the stroller, especially when you are at the market by yourself with both of them...

Just try not to invest too much into the stroller.




answers from San Diego on

I would definitely invest in the double stroller. My son was 2.5 when my daughter was born.

For our active lifestyle, we bought the Bob Revolution Duallie. LOVE THAT stroller!

At 2.5 my son would take off running from me whenever we were outside the house, so I mainly used the Bob to keep him contained.

Now my kids are almost 4 and 19 months. For the most part, I can take both kids to the mall and oher places using our single Bob Revolution stroller. If one gets tired, we switch out whose sitting in the stroller. Or will have DS just sit on the foot part of the stroller. But we still use our Duallie for long trips to places like amusement parks, long jogs/runs, etc.

So we used our Duallie everyday for about 1.5 years without fail.

In deciding what double stroller to get, I would definitely take into consideration your lifestyle. For us, the Graco stroller never worked. The wheels were too small. Our Bob strollers roll over EVERYTHING! We have taken them camping, to the beach, amusement parks, hiking and they roll over EVERYTHING! I would also go to a store like USA Baby and test drive strollers before buying. If you do decide to get a Bob stroller, definitely get it through and have them free ship it to your local store. About twice a year they will have them on sale, and that' the best price you can find for a brand new one. You can also try craigslist. I have seen some nice used and even a few new in box ones on sale there too.

My friend who has 3 kids has had an array of double strollers. Peg Perego Duette, Sit and Stand, Combi side by side, and Graco double stroller. She hated the Duette and the Graco ones. She uses her Sit and Stand sometimes and the Combi mostly. But she really loves my Revolution Duallie! And more often than not, when we go out together, at least one of her kids ends up in my stroller :) so we just grab whatever stroller is closest to us and start pushing when we are out and about, no matter whose kids are in what stroller. She always prefers to push the Duallie over whatever stroller she brought with her.



answers from Los Angeles on

I was in the same position as far as ages. GET THE DOUBLE.
You don't want the 17 month old walking around if you don't want her to. Walks will take extra long. I recommend looking for the lightest-weight one you could find. I had a tandum one, one seat in front of the other. It was VERY heavy, very difficult to manuever. I bought a Peg Perego. It's side by side. This way, BOTH seats fold down so they can both lay back, not just the one in the back as with the tandum one. I LOVE it. Worth every penny. It's very light-weight, easy to close and open and move around.



answers from Los Angeles on

You'll need the double. Your oldest won't want to walk. they are quite compact know. I recommend the kind that is one seat in front of the other. Side by sides are too wide for many shoping aisles and crowded places. happy Pushing!



answers from Los Angeles on

Depends on your needs. Does your 13th month old enjoy walking? Are you taking day trips to places that will require too much walking for her?
I was in the same boat you are - and we decided the sit and stand stroller was best. When our older boy isn't riding on it, it makes a great space for storing shopping bags. When he does ride (usually when I am walking faster), he stands. When he's tired, he has the option to sit down. It has worked wonderfully for us. It's not too bulky (I had a triple stroller prior to the double.)
Evaluate what your errands and outings consists of and go from there.



answers from Los Angeles on

Get the double. The older one is still too little for much walking, and will make your excursions miserable when she hits her limit. And remember that it will get easier as they both getr older. Mine are 16 months apart (now 18 and 16). It did get easier.

Good luck!!!



answers from San Diego on

My kids are 2 years apart and I have 6 strollers. My advice is to look into a double jogger or a sit and stand type stroller. Don't get one of those long double strollers. They are very hard to handle.



answers from Los Angeles on


17 months is still very, very young and can't be expected to walk around much. I think even up to 4 years old or so, kids can benefit from a stroller. Not to mention parents benefit from having their hands freed up.

If you have the funds, get both. You can use the single for short distances (e.g. if you're going out to eat at a restaurant and need to walk from parking lot into the restaurant). Use the double for when more walking is involved.



answers from San Diego on

Hi M.,
I was in the exact same position as you 12 months ago. My children are 17 months apart too, I have a 2 yr 1mth old boy & an 8mth old girl. I too toiled with the idea of do I need a double stroller or not. In the end I got one & yes, I do use it. The times when it comes in really handy are when we go to places like the zoo, Seaworld etc where there is quite a bit if walking throughout the day. Also, I like to get them out in the freshair a bit, so I try to get out walking a few times a week & use the double stroller then. I use the single stroller for short shopping trips. When my youngest was born I used my baby bjorn a lot & didn't use the double stroller until she was about 4 or 5 months old. I personlly didn't spend a lot of money on a double stroller as I don't plan on using it for a long time, (I bought a Maclaren). It is relatively easy to get in & out of the trunk of the car. My friend however has just had her second baby, her kids are exactly 2 years apart & she is buying a BOB double stroller which is costly but she reckons they will be trying for a third child further down the road, so they will use it again (hopefully) & it's an investment for them. We have been blessed with 2 beautiful children, we do not plan on having anymore, hence the not so huge investment. It really is your call..did you consider a sit n stand stroller?



answers from Los Angeles on

you need a double stroller. Your little miss is not going to stay w/ you when you want her to. Can you imagine a trip to the zoo, w/o a stroller for both of them? Trust me, your life will be less crazy if you can strap them both into something-if no where else but, a large parking lot on the way to somewhere else.


answers from Los Angeles on

Yes. Go Double. I had a Graco travel system in a fabric that I really liked, so I started combing Craigslist early on, for the double to match. I paid $40!!! If you can afford it, of course, go more light-weight than Graco.
Mine are 18 months apart and the little one is now 10 months old. I kept my single too and some days I prefer to use the single and a baby carrier.
I have 2 boys and my older son almost always wants to walk, however sometimes he needs to be controled! Without the double stroller, I'd be running away from the baby to catch the toddler...more often than I already have to. LOL! It acts as the time-out mobile. :)



answers from Los Angeles on

Double for sure! Either that or a single plus a carrier for your baby or 17mos old like an Ergo.

My daughter was 2.5 when I had my son. I got a double that week, they are 3.5 and 6 and we still use it. Mainly for when I'm working out with them and they are fine in it (of course they are getting a bit heavy!) Granted, we don't do it as much as we used to but buying a great double was the best money spent! I eventually ended up with a BOB Revolution Duallie. Love it, worth every penny. Not too bulky at all, fits through doorways.

Best wishes and congrats on your pregnancy!



answers from Reno on

I will definitely also get a double stroller but as an alternative I will consider the Kiddy Board for later on or for shorter trips. Check it out they have one at target that attaches to some strollers and the older one can just step on it.



answers from Los Angeles on

I have a two kids 19 months apart and we did buy a double stroller. Your daughter is still young and may want to sit in the stroller when you make trips to the mall or even longer days out especially to amusement parks. We got the Graco Quattro Tour Duo Glider and we love it. You can fit the baby car seat near you and your toddler sits in the front. It's easy to fold and not to heavy. It has a lot of storage room in the bottom compartment. We use it to Disneyland and both are so comfortable. Very easy to steer and use. Good Luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

when I was faced with this delema, I purchased a "Phil & Teds" stroller. It is a single with an attachable 2nd seat. It is heaven sent, I don't always use it but when I need to keep my 4 year old contained like in a mall or amusement park it works great. The larger child rides in the front and the smaller child in the back. The stroller is bit pricey, but so worth it, they are also lighter than the big bulky doubles. And when your older child grows out of it, it remains a single for your younger one. good luck



answers from Los Angeles on

Buy the double. Our kids are 28 months apart and I never regretted having the double stroller, even if it is a little more bulky.



answers from Atlanta on

Hi M.:
My kids are the same months apart by the time i had my second son the first one was 17 months. If you have the resources and you have a car big enough to fit it, actually some double strollers are less bulkier than single stroller. I had a single stroller from my first son and when the other one came i have a small trunk we tried to get the double but it didnt fit in my trunk so we took it back and not having one when i go out with the two boys was one of the hardest thing i've ever done. i ended up caring the baby on one of those baby carriers and the toddler in the stroller and imagine going out like that, and if i put the baby in the stroller and I let my older one walk, he just runs away and imagine chasing a toddler with a stroller, not fun. I would say go for the double stroller i wish i had a bigger car and trunk that would have fit it now my husband is in town, so it makes it easier.
Good luck and congrats on your new addition.
Happy Holidays.



answers from Honolulu on

If I could do it again I'd get a double. My boy was 2.5 when my baby was born and even now past 3 he still likes to crawl in her stroller even when she's in there, which obvioiously isn't safe! If you do a fair amt. of walks I'd recommend it! We've had a fair share of walks where he begged for me to carry him and I even have pushed him while carrying my baby in the ergo...whooo! The problem was when she was born, he was really into walking on his own. I saw a Graco dbl. that had one in front of the other rather than side by side. It looked really slick like it could actually fit thru doors if you went into a store. good luck!!! and congrats :-)



answers from Los Angeles on

Double worked very well when I had the same distance between two little boys. Even wnen one walks it is helpful.

B. v. O.



answers from Honolulu on

Double for sure.
When you have your baby, your eldest will be about 17 months old... at this age, they STILL benefit from and need a stroller....just imagine: being at the mall running errands, your hands are full with pushing your infant in the stroller, your eldest is tired from walking, BUT you can't carry her or the other one while carrying packages or pushing the stroller all at the same time, plus with your purse and diaper bags etc. My son is 2 years old,and he still uses his stroller especially when we are out and he is tired of walking, or when we are at a kids event outdoors where it is very crowded or the weather is too harsh, or at a park with me walking.

Both your kids will still be needing a stroller, and just for your sanity too. Nothing is harder, than a tired young toddler and them wanting to be carried (oops, but you cant' because you have baby in a carrier) and they are clawing their way up to you to be carried and saying "Mama, up! Mama, UP!" while their voice escalates and they don't understand that "Mommy can't carry you now, I'm not a kangaroo..." and you are standing in line somewhere or have your hands full or are needing to rush out of a store, and being a toddler, you WANT them to be in a stroller at certain times or they scamper off and run away and think it's funny. Thus, having BOTH in a stroller is a good place to have a toddler in, in certain situations. Or, there will be times when BOTH your kids, while you are out with the stroller, will need to nap, and you are by yourself, and yes, good thing we have a double stroller! Or the oldest child will wonder WHY they can't ride in the stroller too at the same time!
Believe me, these are REAL life scenarios than happen! Eeek! LOL

Yah, so a double stroller is best. Or one of those with a platform for one child to stand on.

Good luck,



answers from Los Angeles on

Double!! I am in the same situation as you and plan on getting a double stroller for my two kids that will be 17 months apart. My 4 year old still likes to be pushed around in a you cant go wrong with a double.



answers from Santa Barbara on

I have an 18 mo. old and I would NEVER consider letting him walk. My 2 other boys are not in a stroller, but in your case...absolutely get a double. Combi makes a very light easy to fold (tri-fold) and lift compact double, called the Twin Savvy. Peg Perego has one too. I have had both brands (a twin savvy and a single Peg-- I prefer the combi) The graco duo glider is a monster, if lugging around a large stroller is a big concern, I would say the Graco is out of the question.

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