DIY Elf on the Shelf Ideas

Updated on November 21, 2011
R.L. asks from Lewisville, TX
4 answers

Hi! Has anyone out there done an unofficail version of Elf on the Shelf and if so, how would I go about introducing this? I found an adorable little elf at Tom Thumb yesterday and I thought if I could find the Story book of Elf on the Shelf and bought that cute little elf, I could pull of the concept - what do you think? Does it have to be the actual Elf on the shelf gift kit to work? Thanks!

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answers from Lansing on

I think its a great idea!

My daughters preschool teacher just has an elf, its not the elf from the "elf on a shelf". I'm not sure what she does for the story, she may have one or she might just tell the class about it. But the kids love it...the first thing they do in the morning is try to find elfy. Its cute! I will have to ask my oldest if she remembers a story being youngest is now in preschool so I'm sure elfy will be coming back out soon!

I wonder if you can find a book at the library?

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Yes, do it yourself, that is what I did last year. I refused to spend that much money and found my own elf. He is adorable. We borrowed the "elf on the shelf" book from a friend and read it together, then magically the next day the book vanished. Our "elf" has now made his re-appearance for this holiday season and my kids have no idea that they have a fake elf or that they are supposed to have a book. They never ask to read the story again, they just like trying to find the elf. You don't have to spend the money, you can be creative and use your imagination. :)

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answers from Dallas on

this is what i'm doing as well...I really couldnt afford the kit but found a cute little elf...I just read the discription of the book on wikipedia, it gave me the main idea of the story...then I have read what others do with their elves...
some have said the elf answers questions from the kids to santa (in a letter)
some say their elf plays little pranks on the kids (which I think is hilarious)
some elves bring little gifts or games etc

I feel that this is really something that can be as creative as you are! (or others are lol)

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answers from New York on

No. Search "Hooray for Elfie." This is the very original elf story that was
written back in the 70s. I think you can get the book for 1/2 price. You really
do not need the book. Just tell your children about the story and make sure
your elf hops around the house every night. He can appear anywhere. He
always appears on Thanksgiving and leaves Christmas Eve. Our elf always
left new pjs for eeryone. Our elf still appears because now we have grand-

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