Diva Cup? - Ottawa,IL

Updated on April 30, 2009
S.E. asks from Ottawa, IL
13 answers

I was wondering if any moms out there have heard anything about the diva cup. I have been breastfeeding for the last 10 1/2 months and only just recently gotten a period. I am not a fan of tampons and hate pads. I saw the diva cup on a cloth diaper website and it sounds great. No chemicals leaching into my body from tampons, no smelly pads. Does it work? Any drawbacks?
I would appreciate any feedback.

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So What Happened?

Thanks for all the responses! I'm going to try it. If it works it will pay for itself in three months. If not oh well at least I tried.

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answers from Chicago on

Any question I had it was on this link
Anything and everything you ever want to know about menstral cups.

I started using my moon cup(US) a year ago -
I'll never use anything else again!!! EVER. period !

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answers from Chicago on

It is great that you have gotten so many positive responses but for me it is a no thank you. I will not even use tampons. Either way, tampon or diva cup you are inserting a foreign object into your body. That is not healthy for anyone. This is just my opinion and good luck on what every decision you might make.




answers from Chicago on

I have one, but haven't had a chance to use it yet. I have heard absolutely rave reviews about it, though. I used to use an Instead cup and I liked it okay, so I thought I would try the Diva Cup because it's supposed to be so much better. I have extremely heavy periods so I need something that won't leak.



answers from Chicago on

I have friends that use the diva cup and LOVE it. They swear they will never go back to anything else. Easy clean up, reinsert and can wear for a long time. Also helping the environment etc. I have not hear one drawback from it. I am ready to try when my periods come back normally.




answers from Chicago on

I've been using it for about a year now and LOVE it! It's so nice to only deal with it 2-3 times a day rather than 4-5 times like I had to with tampons.

As far as the public bathroom comment, I just try to make sure I won't need to change it when I'm out.

There is a learning curve in getting used to it, and for the first couple cycles, I wore a thin pad or pantiliner just in case. I also had one cycle that I just couldn't get it and had to go back to tampons. It was horrible! Sure reminded me why I switched to the Diva. I haven't had a problem since that one time.

I got mine at drugstore.com, and was able to find a code for money off, and then free shipping, so it was very reasonable. Especially when considering I haven't bought a box of tampons in a year!



answers from Chicago on

Instead cups are nothing like the Diva. Instead is more like a diaphragm, but they're not custom fitted, so can be uncomfortable. The Diva works differently and is held by a band of muscle about half way up your vagina. I've got a friend who hasn't been able to wear one since her second child--she needs more Kegels! And once when I threw my back out, I just could't place it properly so had to use a pad that month. Yuck. I luh-luh-LOVE my Diva. I don't even need a panty liner--no leaks or spotting. It's so beautifully clean. There is a learning curve to insertion, knowing how often to change it, etc. But you'll get to know your body. It's worth every single penny. In public restrooms, I take a couple of wet paper towels in the stall with me to wipe out the cup before I wash it in the sink so it's not a bloody mess. Also takes care of any blood on your finger tips. I highly recommend this product, but there are two sizes, so make sure you get the larger post-baby/over 30 cup.



answers from Champaign on

I love my diva cup. As one person mentioned, there is a learning curve. It took me about 3 cycles to master it. As for public bathroom, if I HAVE to change it in one, I'm careful to wash my hands first and not touch anything with the hand I use to insert. The stem on the divacup can be uncomfortably long for some people (as it was for me), but you can trim it some to help with that. Just be careful not to trim it too far! I bought mine from www.lunapads.com although you may get it cheaper somewhere else. I also use the cloth menstrual pads (from lunapads) as I developed an allergy, after my first was born, to disposable pads. Good Luck!



answers from Chicago on

I am curious about the responses to this one. I did a google search on it and found the web site for it. It sounds interesting, but I'm not sure I think it would be better than "chemicals leaching into my body from tampons, no smelly pads"....The idea of emptying a cup of nasty flow doesn't sound too appealing either. And as much as I get grossed out trying to change a tampon during a heavy flow...trying to remove a cup of blood doesn't sound too nice either.

Good points I guess would be that you only need to do it twice during a 24 hour time frame if you aren't heavy. That could be good.

Not so sure it would be very easy to get the right placement either.

I also had an embarrassing incident with a sponge used for birth control...I couldn't remove it. I could see that happening with the diva cup.

I'm curious what other women that have tried it have to say though.



answers from Chicago on

my friends at an endometriosis message board swear by the diva cup. the biggest drawback is handling it in public bathrooms. you should dump and rinse it to limit the leaking, but know that you will have a mess on your fingertips. this is so much easier to manage in your private bathroom, and some reserved stalls at public bathrooms have a sink.

other benefits are that it will reduce the cramping and is environmentally conscious.



answers from Chicago on

I have been using the Diva cup for about a year and I love it. I still find myself using the chlorine free panty liners for heavy days, but it is great. Since you have children, I recommend using the bigger one. The only thing that's hard is in public, washing it out after you dump it. You don't need to wash it out, but it can be messy. You can go through the entire day without worrying about emptying it. It is great and when my daughter gets older, I will have her use one. Good Luck!



answers from Chicago on

I used the Instead cups and LOVED them!!! I actually reused the Instead cups....never had a problem either. I'd wash them w/soap and water and let them airdry. I don't know if they make the Instead cups anymore (I haven't gotten a period in years...) but I think they are way cheaper than the Diva cup, and are just as good.



answers from Chicago on

Just wanted to say thank you for even posting the question. I would never have learned about this product otherwise. After reading the responses I tried it this month and WOW! I can't believe I hadn't heard of it before. I felt like I didn't even have my period. I will say there was actually a little more worry though - I wasn't sure I had it placed right, concerned it would leak, but 100% success. I'd love to recommend it to friends but I think its a little TMI. Hope you have a good experience too. and thanks again. I'm allergic to a lot of chemicals and adhesives so using pads/tampons ends up with me itchy about 2 weeks after my period. NO MORE ITCHING!!! THANKS!!



answers from Chicago on

I am breastfeeding as well, and I haven't had my cycle return yet. But I am planning on using the diva cup. After reading the 3 comments below, I am even more convinced. Good luck!

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