Disney Should I Take My 18 Month Old?

Updated on May 24, 2009
C.A. asks from Holiday, FL
22 answers

We are taking my son who just turned 3 to Disney on Wednsday for his birthday. We are staying at fort Wilderness for 3 nights. I am torn if i should take my daughter who is 18 months old. She doesn't do well without a nap and is a very fussy child. I feel bad leaving her behind. I'm not sure she would enjoy it though. We go to Busch Gardens about once a week and she doesn't even like going on the carousel. I can't get her to go on any rides so we would have to take turns staying with her so one of us could take my son on rides. On the other hand I'm going to miss her and wonder if we should just take her and deal with her tantrums and maybe she will enjoy it. Then one of us can take her back to the cabin for a nap every afternoon. Has anyone had an experience with a 18 month old at Disney? Would you recommend taking her or leaving her? My in-laws are really excited about having her. I know she would be spoiled and have fun with them.

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So What Happened?

I want to thank everyone for the great advice. It was hard but we decided to leave her home. I was really glad we did we had a great time with my 3 year old and she had fun at grandmas.

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answers from Sarasota on

I would say if maybe it was just an overnight trip then leave her with her grandparents, but 3 days is a long time to be separated from her. Has she ever been away from you overnight yet?

That said, my 1 year old has been going with us to Disney since she was 6 months old. I either have her in a baby bjorn or her stroller. And she hardly makes a peep all day. Bring a sarong or light blanket to put over the stroller at naptime. Or go back to the lodge for naptime. The great thing about staying on a Disney property is you can come and go as you please. Also bring a small soft sided cooler filled with snacks and drinks for the kids. And Pooh's Playground at MK is a wonderful place for you all to take a break. Let the kids run around [they have a little water area, so bring bathing suits if you want] and you can sit in the shade and have a rest too.

Have a great time!

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answers from Tampa on

Since this will be (I assume) your son's first trip to Disney and its for his birthday, I would say leave your daughter with your in-laws. She'll have a great time and you can give your son some special time just for him. Since you say she doesn't like rides and she can be fussy, if you take her with you, there's a good chance you'd spend a lot of time dealing with her instead of giving your son the trip he deserves. I would say however, try to plan another trip soon and take your daughter, even if just for a day. Disney is a whole other beast from Busch. If she recognizes the characters, has seen some of the movies, it's possible that she'll get so wrapped up in the 'magic' that she'll enjoy the rides. There's also plenty of shows and just 'things to see' in general that she would enjoy. The sooner you take her, the more likely she is to 'adapt' if you will, to riding rides. And don't feel guilty about not taking her this time... if it's something she comes to enjoy in the future you can always plan a special trip just for her, maybe for her 3rd or 4th birthday and leave your son with the in-laws.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Tampa on

You know your child best, but it sounds like a vacation at grammie and poppa's house might be the most fun for everyone! Including her. We took our daughter to Disney when she was two and even though she was an easy going kid, it was overwheming to her.
Just my two cents. Good Luck!!
p.s. if you go without her, don't feel bad, just have fun!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Tampa on

my niece, who is 2, has been going since she was an infant bcuz her parents have passes....and she really enjoys it, she also enjoys Busch Gardens....

I have taken both of my sons for their 3rd bdays...2 years ago when my oldest turned 3 we left the baby (20 months old) at home with Gramma. This past year they both went for the youngest 3rd bday and had a blast....

From what you have said I don't think your daughter is ready...enjoy the time alone with your son, he will love it

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Tampa on

When my daughter turned 3...we were in the same predicament, my son was 14 months. We left him w/ Nana for the day/evening. He is a picky napper and will not nap just anywhere. Like you, we go to Busch Gardens during the week and we knew what he could handle and not handle. It was great b/c we got to focus on our daughter and her special day and she got to enjoy the rides and did not mind waiting in line to meet characters. My son would not have been able to ride the rides and we would have had to split up constantly to walk around w/ him while she waited, and there was really no where for him to run around. Once he gets older he will have his time and I know he will have a blast! And...he had one on one attention w/ the grandparents and he had fun too.



answers from Tampa on

I agree with Julie G...... No brainer leave her!

You answered your own question in your question. Everyone will benefit from her not going. Are you questioning yourself more because you are not wanting to take her .... guilty that you know you will have more fun without her? Wow, I feel bad that I love my daughter and I want her to go with us, but I know she will be intolerant of a lot of things? Go have fun! Don't think twice about dropping her off at the grannie's knowing she will be spoiled there. Enjoy your trip!



answers from Tampa on

WDW is a great place to take a little one. my daughter was just 1 when she went for her first "magical experience." (we're pass holders and go all the time.) also MK is way more suited that BG for little ones. there are the parades and fantasy land and character meet and greets- although an 18month old may not like the characters unless they're the human kind...and since you'll be on property, the camp grounds have a lot of things to keep her occupied should you need a break from the crowds at the park... 3 night stay is a long time to be away...
if you're having second thoughts about leaving her behind- take her along... however... if you're wanting your little man to have his birthday be "all about him" you may want to leave your daughter with the grandparents after all...
ps animal kingdom has a lot for little ones, and epcot has a lot of hands on stuff...
ps i used to be a CM for WDW ;)
have a magical time!!



answers from Sarasota on

I say take her! My daughter is 17 months old and has been to Disney 3 times already! She definitely needs her naps so she would either sleep in the stroller or we would go to the hotel for some downtime. There are so many things for little ones to do-if it doesn't have a height requirement, she can go on! The only thing my daughter didn't like was the characters. All that being said, we took her to BG a couple of weeks ago, and she hated it! There definitely was not near enough to keep her entertained and we ended up with a very unhappy little girl and left about halfway through our day. Do what you think is right, but I say take her for sure!



answers from Tampa on

I know you'd feel bad leaving her but I think everyone would enjoy the trip more if she stays with your in-laws. It's long days and not much for an 18 month old to do but lots to do for the 3 year old. Hope it works out and everyone has a great time.



answers from Tampa on

Hi Carrie,
We took our daughter who was 17 months at the time along with her older brother. She loved it! She doesn't do well without naps either but she fell asleep on the train ride. A lot of the rides (small world, Dumbo, Aladdin) let you take a lap child. However it could also be a good time to reconnect with your son, and it sounds like your daughter would be in good hands if she stayed behind. So if you go that route, don't feel guilty about it! We have done camping trips with our older son and it's nice to spend one on one with them.



answers from Tampa on

Leave her with the grandparents. No brainer.



answers from Tampa on

Give everyone the gift of allowing her to stay with the in-laws. You'll be happier than ever, to see her when you return and maybe your kids will enjoy reuniting too!



answers from Fort Myers on

Hi Carrie,

I have a 19 month old son and I would not recommend taking your 18 month old, especially if you have in-laws that would love to take her. You could spend quality time with your son and take your daughter when she is older.



answers from Sarasota on

Here's my suggestion... Leave your daughter with the in-laws, and here's why. With 2 kids it's important as they grow that they each have "alone" time with mom and dad. My kids are 5 and 10 and once a month (or more) my husband and I take each of the kids out for "special time" while the other child goes to grandma's and gets spoiled rotten!! We also have a "Mommy & Daughter" day and a "Father & Son" day and then we switch. It makes both the kids feel really special that they have that time with mom and dad when they don't have to fight (for lack of a better word) for our attention. When you get back from your trip, take your daughter out for some special time with you the following weekend. And really build up how much fun she is going to have with her grandparents. Hope this helps.....



answers from Sarasota on

If your in-laws are willing to take her and are excited - why not let her stay behind and enjoy this trip with your son. There will be many trips to come with both of them...



answers from Tampa on

Give her, your in-laws, your son, and yourselves all a treat and leave her behind. Neither of them are going to remember this trip in the future, so wait until she is older or has more interest in "theme parks". This could be a very special time with your son - enjoy!



answers from Tampa on

Let her Grandparents enjoy her while you go and have fun with your son. There is nothing wrong with leaving her for that short of time.



answers from Tampa on

I would leave the baby with my in-laws. I know you will miss her, but your older child deserves to have a fun birthday. There is very little for a child under the age of 3 to do or enjoy at Disney. Not only will your daughter be unhappy, but you and your husband and son will be unhappy. Disney is too expensive for everyone to be miserable while you are there.



answers from Punta Gorda on

I understand your feeling a little guilty about leaving her. THat really is a long time. However if this is for your 3 yr. old's birthday...... I think you should think about what would make this time special for him. Having mommy and daddy all to himself is a gift that he will treasure for a very long time. On another note. Have you considered inviting your in-laws to go with you. If they got a room at your hotel, maybe you guys could have dinner together as a family and you can enjoy some time with the baby, and grandma and grandpa can do other things with the baby during the day while you take the 3 yr. old to the theme park. If that is not an option I would really consider leaving the baby at grandmas house. These few days are about your son and sometimes each child needs individual time. And know that it is OK to feel sad eveytime you see someone else pushing a stroller with a baby your daughters age in there. It is also OK to feel relief when you are at a resteraunt with a baby your daughters age and it is crying and throwing a fit. You can also encourage your son to pick out something special to take back to his sister who missed his special trip. You can also help him pick out a Thank You gift for grandma and grandpa for taking care of his sister so that mommy and daddy could have special time with him.



answers from Lakeland on

I would leave my 18 month old with the grand parents. She will have a much better time with them, and you will enjoy your trip to Disney better. You and your husband will be able to enjoy the wonder and excitement of your 3 year old son, and your daughtr and her grand parents will enjoy their day also.




answers from Fort Myers on

Do NOT take your 18 month old to Disney. If she is as unenthusiastic about Busch Gardens as you say, she will likely ruin your three year old's Disney experience and just make the whole family miserable. Go and have fun, and when she is older and ready, take the whole family and have a great experience together! Your 3 year old will probably enjoy the uninterrupted attention from Mom and Dad for a weekend far more than your daughter will miss you! Leave her with trusted family and enjoy your weekend.



answers from Tampa on

I take my two children to the Disney parks all the time. My daughter is 20 months now, my son almost 3. I have been taking my daughter since she was about 2 months old; I would nurse her in a Moby Wrap while enjoying the park.

My daughter LOVES the parks. She loves seeing Mickey and Minnie. She gets excited over everything. Disney (all the parks) is different from Busch Gardens (which we also frequent). The rides are more family oriented. They are like people movers with action all around you. You would be holding her in your lap on the ride. Both my children are enthralled with Its a Small World. Its a good time all around.

Since you are concerned about her naps, and you are staying on property, consider splitting up the day. Go early in the morning, take a brake at the Hotel over lunch (let daddy and son enjoy the pool while she sleeps) and then go back to the parks for the evening. Breaking the day up is a good idea, even for the three year old. It does get hot and a schedule rest is a blessing.

I think both your children would love this trip. Mine do and I have never had a problem with either of them. Just go prepared. Have snacks and water handy and go to the hotel for a midday nap (and lunch, cheaper to eat off property anyway) :)

Hope this helps

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