No question is "disgusting" during pregnancy. ;) The constant discharge and bloating is normal. I have had 4 children and I can attest that you, or at least some of us, show earlier and earlier with each pregnancy. With my last pregnancy (born 7 months ago) I had to wear maternity pants at 6-8 weeks. Granted, it is not actually the baby that is that large, but what is going on is that your body has been through this before, not long ago in your case, and remembers what to do so it just does it sooner. So your organs get pushed around sooner and your ligaments that support your uterus are not as tough as they were prior to your previous pregnancy. What does that mean for you? Nothing, other than the fact that you won't spend as long in that "is she fat or just pregnant" stage of pregnancy.
The discharge is completely normal as well. After having one successful pregnancy, in subsequent pregnancies, your cervix is never completely closed. It will be what they term "closed on the inside but slightly open on the outside". So you will have more discharge this time than last time. As the other posters have said, as long as it isn't foul smelling or an odd color, it is ok. Granted, pregnancy discharge always has a distinct odor to me. I actually think it smells like mayonnaise. That smell is normal and isn't "foul" it's just not fun.
Try not to worry too much. Women have been having babies long before there were books filled with everything to worry about that could possibly ever happen in a million years, and the human race is still here. ;)
Best of luck!