Oh my gosh, this sounds EXACTLY like my daughter (age 2 1/2)!!! Takes forever to eat, really tall but slender, low weight percentile... We've also tried a lot of what you tried (rewards, prompting, if-then statements) and have had very limited success, even though these things work well away from the dinner table. I know that in our case it's definitely a power struggle because for whatever reason my daughter's behavior at mealtimes really pushes my buttons, so lately I've been working hard on just letting it go and telling myself that she won't let herself starve. My daughter isn't a picky eater, she just seems to think she's a chipmunk (willingly puts food in her mouth, but then sits there with it in her cheeks for 20 minutes and refuses to swallow). I'm definitely going to try the timer idea! Anyway, what works for us sometimes is to make a game of it - tell her which food Mommy is going to eat next and ask can she poke the same food with her fork, get it in her mouth, and swallow it faster than Mommy can. Works best with soft foods like yogurt and applesauce that are easy to swallow quickly. The other strategy we've had some success with is if she's just poking at her plate, and we're mostly done, to say "oh, I guess you're not going to eat your chicken, in that case I want it!" Then pick up a bite off her plate with my fork and very sloooowly start bringing it to my mouth. Usually she'll pop her mouth right open and let me put the bite in her mouth instead (of course, then it might take her 20 minutes to swallow). These are time-consuming and often involve us feeding her though, which I find as frustrating as you do. So, like I said, lately we've been working on just letting it go. Instead of focusing on what she eats and how much of it she eats, we've redirected our attention to getting her to sit at the table for the duration of the meal (which she's also terrible at - constantly climbing down from her chair, running off to play, coming over to sit in one of our laps). Surprisingly, this has had the effect of getting her to eat more, because one of the things I've been telling her is that if she gets up from the table before Mommy and Daddy are finished eating, I'm going to assume that means she's done, and her plate will go away. She didn't seem to like this much the first time it happened, even though she'd barely eaten anything on the plate, so maybe this could be something for you to try. Anyway, good luck and stay strong - sounds like a lot of moms can relate to this question!