My response to diet pills is be careful. They are not always fully tested and it would be terrible down the line to find out something is wrong. My friend has a heart condition now due to diet pills from the past. It is always better safe than sorry. My best advice is to perhaps find a nutritionist to structure your diet and eating habits and do some type of free exercising,you know, walking, riding bikes, swimming, local tennis courts, racquetball (if your community has that) things like that. I am a member of Curves, and there is program called the Curves 6 weeks solution which is an excellent program. You don't have to be a member of Curves to do the program. I know you said you don't have tons of money, but it costs $99 (unless it has changed recently), it lasts for 6 weeks, and you are able to work out at the club for those 6 weeks, you meet once a week, and you really learn how to eat properly and what is right for your body type. I lost quite a bit of weight with the program, and I would recommend it to anyone as a way to lose weight permanently becuase you turn your body into a food burning machine without diet pills. :)It is not a miracle of course, you get out what you put in. But it really works. :)
Good Luck!