I had almost the same thing happen to me. I have not had any unusual problems with keeping weight off. I haven't gained any excess weight, and I am still trying to lose my baby weight. I hope this ehlps. Good luck!
On Feb. 12 I had my 2nd child, 2 weeks later they found my gall bladder was severely decayed and removed it. I heard tale that after gall bladder removal it is very difficult to keep weight off. I was wondering if anyone out there has had their gall bladder removed and what kind of diet to go on to try and keep my weight down. I was a little over weight before I got pregnant and then of course gained the weight during pregnancy. I did lose quite a bit after the baby was born my guess is it was due to breast feeding. I ended up losing 36 lbs in 2 weeks. I am still above my target weight though and now with my gall bladder being gone I am worried that I will not be able to get back down or that it will be very hard to maintain a steady weight.
I had almost the same thing happen to me. I have not had any unusual problems with keeping weight off. I haven't gained any excess weight, and I am still trying to lose my baby weight. I hope this ehlps. Good luck!
My best friend had her gallbladder removed durning pregnancy.Her baby was premature, he is a healthly three year old today. But she is overweight and has insulin resistance. Which has caused her to miscarry and now her body wont produce progestrin? it keeps you pregnant. Her Dr told her she has to change her eating habbits or it will turn in to diabeties2. She has started an excercise program and is eatting healthy and has lost 15 pounds. If she keeps it up the Doc said she will get better and be able to get pregnant. I guess what I'm saying is with out your gallbladder youre going to have to be more proactive with your health cause the extra weight can cause alot more problems than just having to buy bigger clothes.Good luck.
I have had my gaw bladder removed after having my first son due to stones. I've found that it makes it harder to knock the weight off the it use to for me but I'm also in the process of eating healthy and exercising, in fact I just got done doing my hour long pilates and I plan on atleast trying to get in 20 mins of walking each day. It takes me forever to lose just a few pounds especially when I look at the scale one day and it reads one thing and the next day it says I've gained more even though I didn't eat anything bad and exercised, so all I can say is hang in there and keep working at it. Oh, and it helps to not look at the scale for a while...it discourages me more.
I had my gallbladder removed shortly after the birth of my second child. It had been giving me fits for two years. Its been history for 8 years now. I went for a size 18 to a size 8 in two year with diet and exer. you can do anything. After getting to that size 8 I did manage to get pregnant agine. So I am now a size 12/14 but comfortable in my skin with a almost 5 year old preschooler. So guess who is now jogging 3 miles a day and losing weight ME. Like I said diet and exer. you can do anything. You gallbladder doesn't mean anything. I have found that I can't control my bowls movements like I use to could becouse of the bile that gets dumped into the intestines. My doctor told me to try an over the counter product called EQUALACTIN it works I can eat now w/o having to worry about having to run to the potty. It help with the "Nervous Stomach".. Once we have kids our bodies are never the same and its almost impossible to maintain a steady weight.Or control things we once could control. Time will tell you the change your gallbladder will have on your body the wreck havock on your stomach. But as for the weight issue its never been a problem for me. Goog Luck to you