I went thru, and am going thru the same exact thing. And it seems to me that my fiance goes out more when I "can't" go. I say can't b/c he goes to play pool on a league two nights a week, and they often play in a bar full of smoke. Smoke has always bothered me, so now that I'm pregnant, it bothers me a lot more, plus I know it's just not good for me to be breathing in, especially while I'm pregnant. And I'm not that interested in pool myself, so I would be bored anyway. And if he goes out with friends I tend to feel left out, b/c I'm not "one of the guys" and they talk about work or people they know thru work, things that I really can't get inviolved in the conversation. Not to mention that I get tired very early...I could literally go to bed at 9:30 and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow, and being out and doing stuff makes me tired very quickly - I'm at that point in the preganacy! But I do get upset when he chooses to go out rather than stay home with me. So what I've done is one night a week, I have dinner with my best friend. Then I'm not stuck at home dwelling on the fact that I'm sitting at home by myself yet again. And after this baby is born, my fiance is only playing pool one night a week. And we both need our "me time" so I'll probably make my dinner night on a night that he is home so he can stay with both babies and then he'll have his night and I'll stay with both babies. We almost always go out for lunch as a family on Sundays. Perhaps to help counteract the negative feelings you're having now, you could plan a night each week that the two of you go do something together, even if it's just going for a walk after dinner.