The same exact thing has happened to us! First the vomiting and now the diarrhea a couple of weeks later. It is just awful! This has been such a horrible season for us. Here's hoping its over soon!
Has anyone ever experienced their child being sick with some sort of virus only to have it return a couple of weeks later? My son had a bad case of diarhea a couple of weeks ago. We knew it was some sort of virus when I got sick (but vomiting only) and my husband got it really bad! Now this week he has bad diarhea again and two of our family/firends have caught it! I feel awful. And I am wondering if I need to contact his physician about it coming back?
Well, thank you all so much for your informative and kind responses! We have been spraying more than normal with Lysol. My husband caught it so bad last time that I am more worried about him catching it again! I am also using that Green cleaning solution. I had been using just vinegar and water to clean the counters, floor and babies highchair. But am worried vinegar is not strong enough when it comes killing a virus. The baby does seem to be okay - no diarhea last night and only one messy diaper this morning (when he had it last time he was not eating or drinking as much and it seemed like everything that he did take in just came right back out!). Thank you again for your responses!
The same exact thing has happened to us! First the vomiting and now the diarrhea a couple of weeks later. It is just awful! This has been such a horrible season for us. Here's hoping its over soon!
Hello Celeste,
If this is ongoing it would be a good idea to check with your doctor to make sure it is not a bacteria in the stomach and intestines. My brother was given antibiotics not to long ago for this, he had ongoing diarrhea for two weeks. Just a thought, it may just be a virus, there are many out there. I still feel comfortable checking with the doctor rather then assuming, just in case it is something that needs to be treated with antibiotics.
My daughter, 14 month old granddaughter, and I all had this - we are pretty sure it was salmonella, and yes, it was the worst I have ever experienced. Eventually others in the family got it too, and it seemed to come and go with the baby. I agree that there are multiple viruses out there and salmonella is only one that can cause these symptoms. Be really careful what you eat (some of the salmonella recently was caused by peanut butter products), where you eat (it is easily passed around in restaurants), and be scrupulously clean at home, especially in the kitchen. I carry a hand cleaner around with me at all times. Wash your hands continually.
As complete side note, you might want to consider putting everybody on some acidophilus/bifidus probiotics- from the refrigerator case of the health food store. All it takes is one good case of diarrhea or a course of antibiotics, and this clears out all the beneficial bacteria of the gut which help to provide a barrier against both viral and bacterial infections. Supplementing can help protect while the natural flora tries to get established again- when the gut is most susceptible to attack. Good luck-
Whether it is the same bug or not, you can help the spread within the household and beyond with a few simple steps. Wash both your and the baby's hands after every diaper change, hand sanitizer if soap & water aren't available. Clean up and sanitize any vomitus immediately ( i keep clorox wipes and lysol spray in every room when my fam is sick ) Make sure to wipe down seat and flush handle of toilet with clorox wipes after you use it (make sure hubby does too) and ALWAYS close the toilet lid BEFORE you flush. It sounds gross, but the spray can reach high enough to get on nearby objects, like your toothbrush.
I know all that sounds obvious, but we know when we are taking care of a sick family, we just care about making them comfortable, but we need to take steps to protect ourselves too. All that said, make sure you stock up on Pedialyte, you never know when you might need it. My girlie likes crackers, watered down soup and mild fruits when she is sick. Good Luck and wishing you Health!!
Good luck with the virus's this season. My twin 13 month olds just got over one. My girl threw up for 8 days and her brother threw up for 5 of the same days. she still continues with the diarhea. We had to watch her closely for dehydration. Almost had to be admitted to the hospital. I suggest keeping up on the liquids and hopefully it will run its course quickly!!!
Good Luck,
You may want to check with doc, just in case the virus has settled in on him.
I have 7 children and many foster children (grown and gone now) so the minimum number present in this house was nine, and usually one or two others.
Oh we had some ordeals with persistant viral infections I can tell you !!! The tummy ones were an issue with only one bathroom LOL They were reduced to the bush potty often.
It is quite common for a bug to make the rounds. With so many people spreading the virus here and there it is not unusual for someone to catch it more than once.
Your little boy had you, and Dad, and friends and family with this virus. A repeat infection would not be unlikely under those circumstances.
You cannot feel awful..they would probably have caught it anyway if it is a rampant creeping crud virus.
Good news is, he is likely developing antibodies to that particular virus...so if he catches it multiple times, each time it should diminish.
I used to keep a jar of solution...they have those clorox wipes now ...fantastic. Use them on things the hands touch.
Door knobs, crib slats, playpen, faucet handles,phones, toys, doorways where he puts his hands, ect ect.
All of you wash your hands a LOT. Dial and Safeguard are good antibacterial hand soaps.
Especially before preparing food and wash his hands prior to every time he eats.
I used to open windows and doors on opposite sides of the house for five to ten minutes a day to let fresh air in during flu season.
Stale air is a good conductor of viral infections.
While he is ill , especially if he is vomiting...a liquid diet may be better for him. For nausea we would take the cap off a bottle of coke ( sugar NOT aspartame ) let it sit for an hour or so to flatten it out, and let them sip that.
Back in my day we could purchase CocaCola syrup for nausea.
Also oatmeal is very good at slowing down the skitters.
(diarhea) Your little boy could eat oatmeal..either the quick cooking sort or boil the real oatmeal and harvest the starch from it, mix it with a small box of jello ) sugar again, he needs liquid and sugar to keep things going properly...mix the oatmeal starch in with the jello. Greatest thing for diarhea and upset stomach you ever tried even if it is a bit oldfashioned !!!
Ask doc if you can give him extra vitamin C during fall to winter. Fairly safe I think, as the body flushes out what is not used. Perhaps doc would prefer natural C, from fruits and veggies. Make sure he will get a theraputic dose level.
You and Dad could drink a bit of cider vinegar , diluted if you like. Seems to get one over flus more quickly and is very healing. Organic is best.
You all need to get enough rest to help your bodies be strong enough to ward off infection.
Best wishes deah ( frum Maine) and God bless
Grandmother Lowell
Hi Celeste
I don't think it is the same bug. There are SO MANY bugs and viruses out there and it is not uncommon to catch more than one during the winter months. I think the close timing is probably more coincidence than anything else. As far as your family and friends go, I know you feel guilty, but you did not intentionally spread the germs. It happens. It's wintertime and it is just as easy to catch something from somebody at the grocery store. Just talk to your doctor and go with the BRAT diet. Good luck :)
We had the same thing at my house. I just kept pushing fluids and more fluids to flush it out. My 2yr old had to go for IV fluids because I was concerened she wasnt getting enough fluids and she wasnt getting any better. My son was throwing first for 4 days and then the diarhea lasted 3-4 more. Whatever this bug is it is the worst ever.
It may or may not be the same bug. There are a lot of things out there. Cleaning hands is really important but it's the sudsing action of the soap that is far more important than using germ killers. The overuse of germ killing agents has created a whole family of super-bugs that are resistant to everything, including antibiotics. Wash your hands after using the bathroom or changing your child - do it for 30 seconds of rubbing/sudsing. Sing "happy birthday" twice through - 30 seconds is longer than you think! A lot of kids (and adults) squirt a little soap on their hands and immediately put them under the faucet - which rinses the soap away. It's the rubbing action and the bubbles that help dissolve the germs, get them off your skin, and wash them away. Germs also live on doorknobs and other surfaces. You may not have given it to the others - you may have had separate illnesses or you could all have gotten it from some other source. Try not to feel guilty.
The other thing is to strengthen your immune system as best you can. A liquid vitamin supplement with a high degree of absorbency is far better than a pill. Keep up the fluids. I have not been sick in over a year since I started a fantastic new regimen. Your child had one bout of this, but with a weakened immune system from it, caught it (or something else) a few weeks later. You and your husband got it too - you were just (just?) vomiting but as the virus works its way down, it becomes diarrhea in some people. Prevention is way easier than treatment.