wow, this is about so much more than a cyst. in fact, the little ol' cyst seems to be the least of your problems, hon.
schedule the surgery. losing a bit of an ovary isn't the end of the world, and then at least the cyst will be off your list of 'things to worry about.'
it's relatively easy to cope with the loss of an entire ovary. it's not easy to cope with depression, anxiety and marriage to a schmuck. so get the surgery and then tackle the schmuck issue.
and it sounds as if your best bet is to get out, easier said than done, i know. but you've got nothing to stay for, do you? it doesn't sound as if you two love each other at all, he's not a partner or a friend, and he's training your son to grow into a schmuck too.
hope exists, but you need to move out of the shadows to see it.
religion does not exist to make problems non-existent, but to help you cope with problems when they do arise. i'm always puzzled by people who cling miserably to a religion that is either doing nothing for them or making things worse. don't expect your religion to clear things up for you. but if you're in the right religion for you, calling upon your god(s) for strength during times of trial should help stiffen your spine.
and you'll need a stiff spine, sweetie. but won't having a future, hope, health, and a better life for you and your child be worth it?
good luck!