My husband works in the radiation field.
It is annoying to believe that an x-ray needs to be done every year if a child has generally healthy teeth.
To do the math: You will then expose your child 15 + times to x-ray the head until it leaves for college. Seriously, this is not healthy and not necessary. Add the additional x-rays the orthodontist will claim for when the child needs braces and add other x-rays which will be taken in other areas of the body because of a fall and an ankle was involved etc.
Use common sense here, Ebird!!!
The new technologies of a dentist with his microscope cameras, mine works with it, will help. I have 2 dentists in my family. They say if they see the child regularly they can see typically if it has problems with cavity. If not they skip the procedure until there is a different reason to check.
If cavities are there they will do a radiation exposure to see changes up above the gum line but again only if there is an obvious need.
Ask your previous dentist to send over the records of your child to the new dentist. The new one will be able to work something out with you.
My children are 8 and 11. The 8 year old have had one x-ray so far. It was last year November because the front tooth took more than 12 month to come in. We wanted to see, like Tadpole, if he was missing an adult teeth.
My 11 year old have had 2 x-rays, one was this year to see if she needs braces.
They are going twice a year to clean the teeth. Dentist visit once a year since they are 3 years old. We also are sealing the molars when they come in. Brushing twice a day is their routine. It worked for us. Both have no cavities.
Imagine J C's husband would have been expose since almost 45 years every year to an x-ray. No cavities he has but will have eventual other issues from electromagnetic radiation...