when you give vaccines, you can also have them separated and given individually. it's well worth it, then if there is a reaction (and a fever is a reaction) you'll know which is the culprit (sp?). delayed schedule..would be the latest you could possibly give it within the timeframe they are requesting. if your child will be in daycare, it is private and they will most likely require shots. if not, and you can wait, or go to a religious school for nursery school, you may not have to have them. my oldest, 15 yrs. had all her shots through 5 yrs old. no boosters since then.
my youngest, almost 10 yr. had shot til 2 yrs. had a slight reaction to the polio and hasn't had a vaccine since. we had her titers checked and she did have immunities to many of them but that 's probably because she had some immunizations prior. if i had to do it all over again, i wouldn't immunize at all. didin't he already have some shots whn first born? or did you hold off on those as well.