hmmm, ok i've heard taht after a massage you need to drink alot of water to flush out the toxins, so i'm guessing that as they knead your muscles, toxins are released and you pee them out.
an aquaintance was telling me about the detox pads that you stick on the bottoms of your feet while you sleep ( an as seen on tv product) and she said that she used it and the pad was dirty when she woke up and took it off, but her friends who were smokers had black tarry stuff on the pad when they took it off.
I've been having some foot pain so i wanted to try an epsom salt soak since I read on the internet that it would also pull the toxins out, I can't figure out how, maybe sweating it out the pores of my feet? but it said to add some bleach to the water and that creeped me out so i haven't done it yet.
so no first hand experience, I would imagine that nothing is going to last oo long before the toxins build back up. but it probably feels good to get the wrap.