DCC: Making the Team--What Is YOUR Guilty TV Indulgence?

Updated on October 23, 2012
S.G. asks from Fort Eustis, VA
22 answers

Every week my husband and I settle down in front of the TV for another hootin' hollerin' episode of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team. What do you love to watch that is your TV guilty pleasure?

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answers from Kansas City on

Well I am hooked on the X Factor again. And I started watching that new show The Neighbors. It is silly but I can't stop watching it.

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answers from Washington DC on

Have newborn so been watching netflix, ABC player & ABC Family & CW apps on phone whilefeeding... Watched America's Next Top Model, Revenge, Once Upon a Time, The Walking Dead, The Vampire Diaries, Beverly Hills Nannies, Gossip Girl. This stuff no one knows i watch except hubby caught me :)

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answers from Seattle on

America's Next Top Model. (Don't you tell ANYONE!)
Dance Moms. (I can't get enough! Those moms are CWAZY!)

I am sure there are more, but those two are my serious guilty pleasures.

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answers from Chicago on

I feel totally trashy watching them, but my husband and I both love watching the Jersey Housewives. Sometimes on Monday nights we'll actually watch that together rather than Mon Nite Football, because the action is more intense ;-) Mostly I like it because we can both switch our brains off for 1 hour and STILL feel smarter than that sorry lot.

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answers from Boston on

I watch that also!!! I have a lot of guilty pleasures when hubby is not home. I love Flipping Out, Housewives, Top chef, Mob wives....I do like watching the train wrecks. Reality TV is just entertainment that I enjoy!

My newest is The Walking Dead...just finished watching every show so I would be caught up for tonight!

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answers from Baton Rouge on


ETA: I absolutely LOVE The Walking Dead and feel no guilt whatsoever about it!

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answers from Philadelphia on

Honey Boo Boo and Breaking Amish...both are train wrecks...but so addicting!

When i am off during the day, i love The Chew! They are hilarious!!

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answers from Rochester on

I just finished watching Weeds. Stupid show...but somehow....entertaining.

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answers from Tulsa on

General Hospital. It can get so cheesy sometimes, but I just love it!

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answers from Seattle on

I love DCC! And ANTM, grey's, X factor, the voice (go Mycle!), cupcake wars, ricki lake's new talk show, modern family, and my new favorite is partners!

P.S. no one watches honey boo boo?! ;)



answers from Chicago on

We don't watch Tv. We stream, and our only show at the moment is supernatural. I was watching one tree hill but I've been too busy as of late.


answers from Kansas City on

ha amanda h took mine! i work 40 (lately about 60) hours a week (days!) but i still dvr GH every day. love it! :)

i also LOVE once upon a time, and i'm SO glad it's back on! :) loving the new season!



answers from Norfolk on

Cake Boss (I ♥ Buddy and his family)
What Not to Wear

These are the only two that I really don't like when anyone knows I am watching. The only other show I watch is NCIS, but hubby and kids watch it with me.



answers from Memphis on

I love the Walking Dead. I also watch Big Rich Texas, the New Girl, and Raising Hope. :)


answers from Grand Forks on

The whole family sits down to The Walking Dead on Sunday nights.



answers from Dallas on

A few of my guilty pleasures are: Young and the Restless, The Chew, Ellen and pretty much any crime type show such as Lock Up. I also like Whipeout. I usually tape them and watch when I have the time.



answers from Cincinnati on

Two Broke Girls and Big Bang Theory. I used to watch more but I have to be in bed early so I don't get to watch tv at 10:00 which is when the shows I liked to watch are on.


answers from Houston on

My hubby and I love The Vampire Diaries, we know it's trash but we just wait to find out what Stephan and Damon will do next! :)



answers from Tampa on

I don't catch it often but I have watched DCC. It always amazes me watching these girls get kicked off for being too fat...totally don't see it.

I LOVE the Vampire Diaries...total cheesefest, but has some absolutely stunning men in it.

Also love True Blood



answers from Richmond on

2 Broke Girls and Revenge. I tried to get hubby to watch Revenge with me (hoping I could suck him into it like I did with Desperate Housewives - my previous guilty pleasure) but he couldn't get into it. So now they are my 2 hidden guilty pleasures when I find time. 2 Broke Girls is so crass but I just can't help myself!



answers from San Diego on

Housewives of New Jersey and Orange County, Flipping Out, Cheapskates, Breaking Amish, Two & 1/2 Men and Mike & Molly


answers from Washington DC on

The Walking Dead, Revenge and Once Upon a Time :)

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