Nicole, we had this problem in December,16, with another dear kid.
I wrote this:
Melissa, good advice from me who does not like using medication much, especially for babies, and which saved all such problems to all of my three kids when they were b, and forever, even for yourself:
to 'fight" diarrhea, please find in some store
WHOLE WALNUTS, not the ones cut and clened from shells, and then put in bags. WHOLE WALNUTS< shells and all. Get a bunch of them, and make sure you refill your supply whenever you're out.
Now, once you have them, break the shells, and take the nuts out. use the nuts for your food whichever way you wish,
but the SHELLS inside have a thin layer holding the nut in place, right? Do you know what I am talking about? You take all these inside linings (I do not even know what you'd call them), take all of them out of the shells, from inbetween the nuts, and keep them.
Now, for a little baby, like your dear angel, take about 5 of those inside linings (let's call them so), and put them in the little pot with about 1,5 cups of water. Put the pot on the stove, and heat it up so it starts ALMOST boiling, then turn the heat down, and stay near the pot, and look that it will be simmering there, not boiling. Once you get it quickly boiling for the start, do NOT let it boil anymore at all, only let it simmer there for about half an hour. Thus, you have a most wonderful harmless 'potion' that heals tummy aches and diarrheas in a most wonderful way.
Now, what you do is you need to let Emma drink it, but it does not taste anyhow, so she will not like it much, probably.
Let it cool down to a warm or lukewarm, and if the diarrhea is really bad, do not dilute, but once give the simmered walnutshell tea as it is. You may put a little bit of honey in it, just for a little better taste, but not much. She is so little she will not drink the whole cup rightaway, but slowly, she will, every time she will accept drinking bottle, just give her some. You will see it will work very soon.
If it's still not normal, give her next time not so strong walnutshell tea, but dilute it a little.
Also, while she will be healing, I wouldn't give her any sweet things.
:) to know how to solve the opposite problem, if she cannot go 'podi" longer than usually, then plum juice gets you 'loose' :).
I raised all my kids without any medication, in a very remote area in the Mountains. They are 25, 23, 17 now, all very healthy.
Other moms gave different useful advices there also:
the opinions are different, the approaches also, but you have a better picture, and more options to make your decision on how to make it work well.
GooDay to you, have a smile, :)