Dave Ramsey Program How Long Did It Take You??

Updated on October 26, 2010
S.T. asks from Kansas City, KS
7 answers

Just feeling a little off course and wondering how long it took you to become debt free or almost debt free? I felt like we were on a great roll and paying off a lot more than we are now! We have paid off one credit card (YEAH)!! Thank you

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I read the book and listened to his radio show. Probably took over a year to be debt free....depends on how much debt you have to begin with. You'll see the "snowball" effect now that you have the money from that O. card to apply to the balance of the next.
Debt free, including the house!

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answers from Austin on

I totally feel your pain. I get frustrated on many a day. We are scheduled to be debt free in about 18 months. But that is with my husband working 7 days a week. He has two jobs and has had the second job since June. We have 3 children so I feel like a single mom a lot of the time. I know it will be worth it but I wish we had started the plan a long time ago so we would not be in such a mess now. We have already paid off several accounts and are now working on paying off the last 3 credit cards. We have closed over 10 credit card accounts. Yes, 10! We had every major credit card, and almost every department store credit card.

Good luck.


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answers from San Francisco on

Wow Denise, Including the house? Awesome! We basically just have the house mortgage debt and try to apply a little extra each month to that but our income plummetted the last few years, things are looking better and I feel like it's a chance to really build for us (retirement, college, etc...) It's great all of you are doing this! Our society sure doesn't encourage it and things aren't set up that way with disposable appliances and electronics, credit cards set up to keep you in debt forever, pressure to have the latest and greatest everything.....But in the end you guys will be way ahead of the game in not very long! I have a few David Bach gooks and have been meaning to look into Dave Ramesey. Sorry nothing else other than cheering you guys on and a thank you for reminding me we need to plan in this area!

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answers from Boca Raton on

Denise P. - wow that is awesome - way to go!

S. - we just started too. I paid off a couple of little credit cards, one with a $90 balance and one with app. $1400. I also closed both accounts. My next step is to finish paying my student loan. It feels so GOOD.

If you feel less focused than before you might want to check out his book from the library to get re-inspired. It also helps me to listen to his program "live" (for free). I'm not big on buying his items but I did order my homeschoolers his homeschool curriculum (I've probably learned as much as they have). It was one of the least expensive curriculums I have purchased and it has been a great value.

Good luck and get yourself motivated again.

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answers from Boise on

I started last September, and feel that ebb and flow too. We have paid off a credit card and a car. We still have 2 more cards left. I think I calculated 8 years with emergency fund and mortgage...if I stay focused.

I have noticed that this time of year is hard for me because I start thinking about Christmas, and things just crop up. I just need to refocus, look at my estimate again, look at my balances, and get energized again. Sometimes just answering a question like this works, or talking to my husband about it. We are sooooo close to having our last 2 credit cards paid off.

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answers from Philadelphia on

I love the Dave Ramsey program!!!!!
It took us a year and a half to pay off $80,000 in debt- most of that being student loans and boy, oh boy, it felt GREAT to kick Fanny Mae to the curb! LOL
Now we're working on the mortgage. We listen to his radio program and have read The Total Money Makeover to keep us motivated.
Good for you for taking the first steps so you can be debt free! Keep plugging away.... all that hard work is worth it! Good Luck!

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answers from Chicago on

do you have a friend to talk to & keep you motivated? I have one friend & we keep eachother in check & we can count on eachother for that extra push. Neither of us really have any debt besides a car & mortgage & building the emergency fund but applying the 'extra' money towards bills instead of splurging on needless stuff really helps. Stay focused by reviewing your goals weekly & have someone help you stay on track. You can do it :)

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